32- New Bo

604 17 0

March 19, 2016      31 weeks & 7 days


Today was the day that me and Harry would interact with each other for the first time now that we are under a short term contract. The two of us had already mapped out our plan for the night. Some how scooter was able to set it up to where harry would be sitting a few seats down from me. The only thing I wasn't excited for was the performance Justin would be doing.

I haven't spoken to him ever since our phone call, the last thing I want to do is to see his face or to even run into him. I pushed all of those thoughts away as I got glammed up for the evening. I wanted to be comfortable for the night, as I get closer and closer to my due date the harder things seem to get.

I could barely breathe in my dress and it wasn't even a tight dress. My feet were killing me way before I had even slipped my feet into heels. The only good things were my glowing skin and hair, all thanks to my precious little girl growing inside of me.

My thoughts were everywhere during the car ride to the award show. Kendall tried her best to get a conversation started with me, "so how's Justin doing?"
"Good." I smiled and nodded at her.
"Are you happy to see him? He's going to be there tonight you know.."
"Yes Kendall I'm aware of that, can we just ride in silence please I have a headache already." She raised her brows at me before rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone. I didn't want to be rude but I don't want to think about Justin right now. He's an asshole who's always treating me like garbage and I deserve better than that.

Tonight I will try my best to make this a Justin free night and to just enjoy myself and to enjoy my sister.
"Kendall you know I love you, I'm just not really in the mood to talk about Justin you know? I just want to enjoy my time here with you." She tried her best to keep her frown before breaking out into a smile and scooting closer to give me a much needed hug.

We arrived on the red carpet and the cameras were flashing which only caused one of the worst headaches of my life.
Me and Kendall made our way to one of the interviewers.
"Were joined by the beautiful Kendall and Kylie Jenner."
"Hey guys." I did a flirty wave as I smiled to the camera.
"Kylie you look great for what, 8 months? What's your secret"
"Thank you so much. Honestly I just try to drink water and get lots of sleep."
The interview went on and on it felt like, I already knew that scooter had given some of them scripts so that they can get me started with the whole Harry thing.

"So who are you guys excited to see most?" The blonde women asked.

"Um, I'd have to say Rihanna." I spoke up with a smile.
"Kendall Harry styles is here, will old flings rekindle tonight?" Kendall rolled her eyes at the question which was scripted but of course she had no clue.

"Me and him are really good friends and that's that. So if we run into each other I'd more than gladly say hello to him." She put on a forced smile as the interviewer turned to me.
"What about you Kylie, are you excited to see either Nial or Harry tonight?"
"Of course I've met them both and they are both so nice and I'll be keeping an eye out for them."

The interview went on for a few more minutes then it was on to the next and the next and the next.
After finishing the interviews it was now officially time for the award show to start up. I was pretty thankful that neither one of us had to present an award.
The awkwardness didn't kick in until Justin went up to perform, the cameras were in front of me waiting to record my reaction. Although I wanted to hold up a big "Fuck You" sign, I just smiled and slightly nodded my head to the beat occasionally finding myself singing along to the lyrics. When it was over with I stood and applauded him.

It only got more and more awkward from there. He was winning a shit ton of awards by little did I know that he had planned on thanking me for being a part of his life, there goes another awkward smile along with a heart warming hands to the chest gesture from me.

The awkward show was now over with and this is where the fun began. After Kendall and I changed into our after party attire, we chatted with friends before I so happened to bump into harry while cameras were flashing.

Me and harry sat down and talked and it wasn't as bad or as awkward as I had imagined.
"Pregnancy looks really good on you." He looked at my big belly while I gave her a gentle rub.
"Yeah I feel like I could pop any day now." I smiled at him
"Have you picked out any names for the little bub?"
"I have some ideas but nothing real sticks, I want something unique and cute for her you know?"

We went on to talk for hours without even realizing. We talked about some of the most random things before we circled back around to my baby and the contract.
"So how do you think it'll effect your daughter seeing me around when I'm just playing dad?"
It was silent for the first time in like 3 hours.
It was a good question. I don't know how long this thing between me and harry would last or what scooter hast up his sleeve but I don't want my daughter singing me with different men all the time.
I looked at him with a puzzled face as I gave him a shrug
"Never thought about it really not until now, I just hope all of this is over with before she gets old enough to realize anything."

It was getting late and harry has offered to drop me off at home.
We talked and laughed and just enjoyed each other's presence.

"You know this kind of reminds me of the first time Justin took me home but I was crying and a mess that day and I'm smiling like an idiot now."
The car was parked in my driveway she we continued to talk for another 10 minutes.
"It's getting late I should really get inside now." I rested my head back on the headrest as I closed my eyes for a quick second.
"Go inside and get some rest." He reached over me to open my door on his way back over to his seat something came over me and I grabbed him by his face and kissed him.

He was in shock and pulled away causing me to feel the instant regret.
That feeling went away when he smiled at me and presses his lips back into mine. We sat there for what seemed like 20 minutes just making out but it was only about a minute or so.

We saw lights starting to flash causing us to quickly break the kiss up.
"I don't think scooter will like us doing this." He let out a soft chuckle as he ducked down.

"Who cares what scooter thinks, let's give him something else to get mad about." I took the keys out of his engine and began to walk towards my door.

He quickly got the hint and followed behind me like a lost puppy.

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