February 14, 2016, 27 weeks & 1day
today was Valentine's Day which made me happy since I wouldn't be spending it alone for once, seems like this hasn't happened in a very long time.
"Hey ky, you ran out of those heart wall hanging things." Justin walked into the kitchen causing me to jump.
"Jesus Christ you scared me, by um it's no problem I can go get some more." I smiled before grabbing my car keys."What? Oh no no no!" He snatched the keys from my hands and threw them in the living room.
"What the hell Justin?" I frowned at him.
"Did you forget that you just got into a car accident? you aren't driving anywhere, I'll go get them." I rolled my eyes at him before leaning against the counter top."Justin you've trapped me in my house everyday since I've been released. I want to get out! I'm suffocating in here." I made a puppy dog face.
"I'm sorry but you put my child's life at risk as well as yours and I just want to make sure that both of you are okay." He stood next to me and rubbed my shoulder.My hand fell down to my belly, he has a point I just got into an accident and we could have lost our baby from this, thankfully we didn't.
"You're right I'm sorry but let me go with you please." He let out a sigh before agreeing."So all this special decoration, who's it for?" He leaned against the shelf while I eyed the wall decorations.
"Tyga, he's coming over later." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.
"So back to that joker I see." I rolled my eyes before turning around and facing him."Why are you saying that? I'm sorry that I care about him and love him and can't just hop from person to person like you Justin." I went to the next aisle and Justin followed.
"Look I don't mean to start an argument but you can do better and you deserve better. Plus I thought we were going to hang out today.""Yeah and you once said that it was you and, well we see how that worked out, I just want to spend time with someone else Justin we've been by each other's side this whole entire time." I once again moved to a different aisle.
"Why are you getting upset? I just want the best for you and I thought it was me but obviously not. I just don't want you to be with him while you're still pregnant. That's all I ask, he puts you under stress and I don't want anything to happen to either one of you." He looked down at my belly as he walked closer to me."Fine, but you put me under stress as well so I guess you can stay here and I'll drive myself home." I smiled reaching for the keys in his pocket.
"I'm not sure if your reaching for my keys or something else." He winked at me causing me to hit is arm.The accident brought us closer together. He was by my side the whole entire time I was in the hospital and he hasn't left since. He's been staying at my house and I literally had to beg him to shower. I'm glad we're back on good terms I just want things to stay like this.
After a fun time out getting decoration we arrived back at my house where he helped me finish up the house.
"Alright I think it's all done now." He fixed a flower piece that was sitting on the island before he joined me on the couch.
"Good because my feet are killing me." I put my legs on his lap and tilted my head.
He rolled his eyes with a smile before giving me a nice foot massage. My eyes were closed as I sat back and enjoyed the pressure being relieved from my swollen feet."Are you going to call Tyga? You know to tell him that he can't come over?" Justin spoke causing me to groan.
"Yeah of course I am, once you leave I'll let him know."

Forced For The Cameras
FanfictionWhen 18 year old Kylie Jenner is forced by her mom aka her manager to sign a contract with 21 year old Justin Bieber, to fake a 1 year relationship with the pop star, her life becomes very complicated after just one night out. Her life gets a littl...