October 13, 2015
Kylie:"Kylie, the doctor is ready for you."
I gave the nice women a smile before getting up and heading to the back room.
I sat nervously as I waited for the doctor to enter.
No one knew I was here, not even Justin. I wasn't even sure if I wanted him to be here.
"Hi, Ms.Jenner I'm Dr.Baker" the woman reached out her hand and shook mine.
"Hi." I spoke softly.
"I understand this might be a nerve racking situation especially when you're alone but just breathe through it."
I nodded my head."Okay so when was your last menstrual period?" She clicked her pen as she waited for my response.
"August 9th.""Have you been to a doctor for a test or did you do an at home test?"
"At home, but they aren't always right, right?"
"Would you like for me to see?" She raised her brows and I nodded my head."Okay hop up on the chair and I'll be right back."
She came back about 10 minutes later, I lifted my shirt and she squeezed some cold jelly on my stomach.
She moved the little thing, who even knows what it's called? Well she moved it along my stomach."Yep, you are very much pregnant."
She turned the screen to me and pointed in two spots.
"With twins."
My eyes widen as I looked at the screen,
"There's two babies?"
She nodded her head while looking at the monitor."How far along am I?"
"You are about 9 weeks and I'd say 3 days."She kept talking but I zoned out, I'm pregnant with not just one of Justin's babies but two of them?
"Sorry, what was the question again?"
"Do you need some time to think about this or maybe talk to the babies father, abortion is a big decision, you're a very young girl, having people to talk to will help you decide the best option."
I nodded my head, "if I were to say yes to abortion, would the procedure happen.. Today?" I used a few tissues to wipe away the gel on my stomach."No, we would schedule it for another time."
"I need Some time to think about this." She gave me a smile before nodding her head.
"No problem."
"Can I have a copy of the ultrasound." A small smile crept on my face.
I got home and ran to my room, i didn't want my friends asking me where I've been, I made sure to lock the door behind me.
I pulled out the picture of the two little ones growing inside of me, I smiled at them before putting the picture to my chest and putting my other hand on my stomach.
"No matter what decision I make just know that I want the best for you two."
I'm not ready to be a mother and Justin isn't ready to be a father. But I also didn't want to kill two innocent children because of our stupid decisions. There was always adoption, but me getting pregnant could ruin this whole contract.
I heard a knock on the door and quickly stood up. I hid the ultrasound in one of my drawers before looking at myself in the mirror, I was crying and i didn't even notice.
I tried my best to make myself look normal and not like I've been crying.
I opened the door to Stas with Bambi in her arms.
"Hey sweetie mommy missed you."
You'll be saying this exact same thing to your children.
I couldn't shake the thought of me being a mom.
"You know you have the dinner with your family and Justin's tonight right?"
"Oh my god, I totally forgot about that, shit." I whined out sitting bambs on the ground.
I rolled my eyes and walked to my bed and fell back on it and let out a sigh.
"Did something happen with T?"I frowned as I sat up on my elbows,
"No? Why? Did he say something to you?"
"Nope, so it must be Justin." She popped her P as she sat down next to me."Stas we're fine." I smiled at her before looking down at where the ultra sound was.
"Are you guys in an argument?" She scooted closer to me as she rested her hand on my thigh."We'll be fine once we see each other." I laughed it off before getting up.
"So are you going to help me look good for the dinner or what?" I spun around and gave her a sexy model walk into my closet.
She laughed before getting up and following me into the closet.
"So you and him are in an argument, try something sexy to impress him"
"Like what?" I frowned as I scanned through my closet.
"I have nothing good in here, we need to go shopping tomorrow." I looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
"I'm in, I have nothing else to do, ooooh what about this?" She pulled a sexy dress.
"Stas I've gained weight, there's no way I'll look good in that."
"Oh shut the hell up, you're Kylie fucking Jenner. You look good in anything.""Such a good friend." I rolled my eyes at her before smiling.
"Bitch you can pull of a trash bag and have everyone looking for it, goodbye." She laughed.
"Okay fine fine fine, I'll wear this even though it barley fits me anymore." I raised my eyebrows at Stas and all she did was nod her head causing me to giggle.
"And I'll do your hair and make up." She clasped her hands together.
"I definitely won't be able to pull that off." I smirked at her causing her to hit the living shit out of me.
"You seem really happy, I'm glad you've left tyga in the past and moved on to Justin, I always knew you guys had a connection."
I smiled and looked down at the ground.Oh Stas, if only you knew how forced this whole thing really is, or how bad I want to leave and be with Tyga right now. I'm not happy, I'm pregnant with twins with a guy who was once one of my best friends but can't even look at me ever since I told him I'm pregnant, he doesn't even know their twins. My life is shit right now. My mom sees me as a way to get more money my ex boyfriend thinks I'm a slut and won't talk to me, I'm a hot fucking mess right now, but all anyone cares about is what the public thinks and how much money we'll bring in from it.

Forced For The Cameras
FanfictionWhen 18 year old Kylie Jenner is forced by her mom aka her manager to sign a contract with 21 year old Justin Bieber, to fake a 1 year relationship with the pop star, her life becomes very complicated after just one night out. Her life gets a littl...