22- Christmas Eve & Christmas

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December 24, 2015, 19 weeks & 5 days


Kylie and I haven't spoken in four days, ever since the fight we had. She was lying to me and tried to make me feel stupid. I know what I saw and I don't need her trying to manipulate the situation. I'm not even sure if we're together anymore.

"Justin come on its Christmas Eve, you have to talk to me." She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind.
"I don't have to do anything." I tired to untangle her arms but failed.

"You just talked to me Sherlock." I heard her giggle slip from her mouth making me smile.

"Come on Justin, I didn't kiss him! He leaned in and I pushed him away." She smiled at me.
"I know what I saw." The tone in my voice was now serious.
"Obviously you don't if you think we kissed!"

"So I'm suppose to believe that you didn't kiss a guy that you're basically in love with, crazy in love with I should say." I got her arms from around me as I leaned against the wall.

"Yes, you should believe that someone who has been cheated on multiple times and knows what it's like wouldn't do that to you." She let out a sigh before walking towards the stairs, she turned around and looked at me,
"But believe whatever you want." She shot me a fake smile before storming off.

I let out a sigh before following her up to her bedroom, she sitting down on her side of the bed avoiding eye contact with me.

"You're right ky, I'm suppose to trust you. I'm sorry." I say in front of her but she continued to look else where. I smiled before grabbing her hands and placing small kisses on her hands.
"Do you forgive me for being stupid?" I put my hand on her belly causing her to smile.

"I forgive you." she rolled her eyes before pulling me into a kiss.

"What do you think it is?" She looked down at her belly.
"I don't know, I guess we'll just have to wait until tomorrow." I looked at her and saw a big smile plastered on her face.

"Kylie, you know it's been a long time since we've fooled around." I smirked at her.
"Has it? Hm I haven't noticed." She shook her head at me.
"So don't you think we should, I know it's Christmas Eve what's a better gift than pure pleasure from me?"
"Food, lots and lots of food or a foot massage or back I'm not very picky."
I rolled my eyes at her before pushing her back on the bed and hovering over her,
"What no Justin! Our family's will be over here any minute we aren't doing this." She pushed me off causing me to fake cry.

"Come on ky I'm dying over here."
"I'm not having sex with you while I'm pregnant."
"So what am i suppose to do?"

"Well you have two amazing hands that work a phone that lets you go on any website and a bathroom full of lotion and tissue, knock yourself out." She smiled at me before flipping the tv on.


My family has slowly began to show up for the party that me and Justin are hosting but I have yet to see any signs of his mom.

"Have you talked to your mom? is she on her way?" I joined Justin in the kitchen while he made himself a cup of juice.

"Yeah, she's not going to be able to make it, she already had plans." He shrugged it off like it was nothing.
"What? That doesn't sound like your mom, why would she skip out on Christmas Eve with her son?"

"Like I said she's disappointed in me and doesn't want to see me, just drop it." He walked out the kitchen and joined the rest of the guest which was mainly my family and a mixture of our friends.

"It was nice of you to put this together, we all really want to get to know this Justin kid and his family." Kourt spoke as soon as I sat down next to her.
"Do you guys like him, he's a really great guy." A smile crept on my face as I looked at him and he was of course talking to Kim.
"I think he just has a lot of growing up to do, I just don't want him to abandon you or anything of the sort when it becomes harder."

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