October 10, 2015
Kylie:"What the hell" I yelled out causing Stas to fall off the bed.
I busted out in laughter as she got up rubbing her elbow.
We sat there rolling around on my bed for about 10 minutes just laughing at her."I'm fine thanks for asking, Bitch." She breathed out
"Nothing but love." I blew her a kiss.
"Why did you scream in the first place." She asked trying to peak at my phone.
"I just posted this picture in these underwear that I'm promoting and people are saying I look fat, do I?" I showed her my phone and she moved her head from side to side judging the picture.
"I mean you have gained some weight, mainly in your tummy, but you still look good." She responded.
"Those 6 or 8 pounds turned into 10 or 12." I let out a groan.
"I need to get ready for this interview." I rolled out of bed and walked to my closet as I tried to pick and outfit out.
"So is it true?" Stas followed me into my closet.
"Is what true?" I asked confused.
"You and tyga were JUST talking about him performing at Kendall's surprise party." She crossed her arms leaning on the frame."Yeah, why would I lie?" I whipped my head around to look at her.
"What? He's one of her favorite rappers.""Whatever you say kylieeee" she drug my name out as she left my room.
After getting dressed and my hair and make up done I checked up on my picture.
"Ew she got FATTTT"
"@valerizexiiiass at least Kendall isn't fat, that's why she's my fav"
"Guys stop she could be pregooos ^"
"Kylie time to go back to dr. Plastic surgeon."
"First Row"
"Stop body shaming."
"Stop eating fat cow you look gross"I shook my head at the comments, I didn't have work done and I didn't change my diet, and I'm not pregnant I haven't been with anyone since tyga and I would be about 5 months.
My eyes widen,
"Oh shit.."
"No no no no you're being paranoid Kylie."I grabbed my things and decided to go to kourtney's house since I had 3 hours before I had to be there.
She wasn't home so I decided to grab her spare key.
I went into her bathroom and looked for one of her spare test.
"Gotchu you little bitch."
I sat my bag down and read the instructions and basically just pissed on the stick. I put the cap on it and sat it on the paper towel on the counter.
I set my phone for 10 minutes. I was pacing back and forth as I kept glancing over at my phone. My eyes widen when it said 30 seconds.
My phone went off and I took a deep breathe before looking at the test.
"Justin, I'm right here." I did a little run to him as he shook his head.
"You're a little late."
"Yeah I know I'm sorry."
"Alright so we have the one and only Justin Drew Bieber and the beautiful Kylie Jenner."
"Hey" we spoke and gave the DJ a smile.
He was mainly talking to Justin about his upcoming album and music and blah blah blah. I just wanted to talk about the tyga thing and leave.
"So Kylie," he zoned me back in.
"You two seem like a happy couple still after the tumors with tyga, you were already a rumored couple with him so what's the deal.?""Me and T..yga are really good friends. We met a while back and I'm throwing a surprise party for one of my friends and one her fav rappers is tyga so."
"What about the dating rumors,"
"They clearly aren't true" I pointed to Justin
"Right Mr.Bieber is your man, so will he performing at the party?""Sadly not." I made a pouty face before letting out a laugh.
"One more thing we wanted to talk about with you Kylie before we let you go, there's been nasty blogs about your recent weight gain and you haven't said much on it, talk to us Kylie"
"Well just like every other girl I'm eating and my body is changing and I'm gaining weight, I don't know what else to tell you, I've gained maybe 10 pounds and people are making a big deal out of it, my weight shouldn't concern you."
"Right on, you still look beautiful and thank you for being here."
"Thank you for having us." Justin spoke with a smile on his face.
"Alright so we should get lunch, what's a good place to eat at,"
"Justin, we need to talk..."
"Oh no Kylie has her serious voice on. Don't tell me you're leaving me for tyga." He began to fake cry leaving a smirk behind.
"Justin!" I hit his arm.
"Okay fine, what is it.""Come here." I grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom.
"woah Kylie not In here, we can skip lunch and go to your place."
"Okay fine my place.""Can you just shut up for 5 seconds please." I ran my fingers through my hair.
I looked at him and saw I had his attention."I don't know how to say it so I'll show you."
I pulled out the napkin and unwrapped it, sitting it on the bathroom counter.
"Ew who's is that and why do you have it in your purse." He scrunched his face together.
"It's mine, look at it Justin."
He bent down and took a closer look.
His eyes widened as he took a few steps back.
"You're pregnant? Kylie how are we going to play this off when he or she comes out half.""Justin, it's not tyga's" I bit my lip.
"Then who's is it?" I kept my eyes on his.
"No it's not mine you probably hooked up with tyga or someone else, that's not my baby. How do you even know it's right, take another. Prove that you're really pregnant.""Justin, it makes sense the night after the party the condom must have broke." I touched his arm gently.
"I'm so stupid why didn't i use one?!" He turned around and punched the wall.
"You didn't use a condom!"
"Justin I'm talking to you. Come back here.!"
He left out the bathroom. I let out a sigh before wrapping it back up, something Justin should have done, and putting it back in my purse.

Forced For The Cameras
Hayran KurguWhen 18 year old Kylie Jenner is forced by her mom aka her manager to sign a contract with 21 year old Justin Bieber, to fake a 1 year relationship with the pop star, her life becomes very complicated after just one night out. Her life gets a littl...