38- New love

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May 10, 2016 39 weeks & 3 days


5 more days, 5 more days until it was officially my due date. I didn't understand how I could have everything you could possibly think of prepared, but at the same time feel so damn unprepared.

I've been at home in bed for the most part for the last couple of days since I was in so much pain and baby girl was so damn restless. Constantly moving around in there awaiting for her time to come shooting out of me.

Harry has been helping me out the whole entire time. He's helped get in and out of bed, bathe, cooked for me and obviously kept me company. He got into some trouble for missing his flight a few days back slipping out on some interviews. I felt terrible but he said it didn't mind staying by my side during this time.

Justin has been at the house multiple times a day checking in on me, getting in contact with the doctor and making sure everything was ready for her when she got home.
I don't know what I did to deserve to amazing men in my life but I'm glad I have them both.

"Come on I know you're tired of laying in bed eating, you've been doing it for the past 3 days." He was right but there was no way I could get glam and fit into any nice outfit with the way I was feeling.

"I'm so swollen though!" I pouted as I wiggled my toes. He rolled his eyes taking my feet in his hands and giving them a nice little rub.
"I don't care, you're going out while you still can! You're going to miss being able to eat out after she comes. You'll be tired from staying up so much and-"
"Okay fine, you're right" I yanked my foot out of his hands causing to grab his chest.

"Ouch" he whispered as he watched me struggle to try and roll out of bed. I just heard his laugher fill the room as he watched me.
"Help me please, hare!" I whined as he grabbed his stomach.
"My-stomach-hurts- f-from- laughing so -hard" he let out in between each breath.
I let out a groan as I gave up.

"JORDYN!!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. Shortly after she rushed in with the hospital bag on her arm.
"Okay, I'm not panicking I ready." I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"Jor, I'm not going into labor! I can't get out of bed, potter won't help me." I felt his glare on me as I called him that which made giggle. She stood there with a dull look on her face which instantly made me crack a smile. She dropped the bag on the ground saying something under her breath as she helped me out of bed.

"Thank youuuuu!" I drug out as she excited the door giving me the finger.
I looked back at harry who was lying on the bed, propped up on his elbows watching me with a smile on his lips. Man those lips, I wanted nothing more then to smash my lips into his.
He was so perfect and this relationship couldn't have been going any better. It was honestly the most perfect relationship to ever exist if I must say.

We have yet to have an argument. If we do argue it's over where we should go. He's there for me and it's show, I trust him and don't have to worry about if he's really with friends or not. There's no secrets he's just an open book but to me and me only and I love that about him. I don't want to compare justin and I's relationship to my current one with harry but, it just feels like I'm just hanging out with my best friend 24/7 instead of being depressed all the time.

We were hand in hand as we walked to the doors of the lowly lit restaurant. Cameras were flashing and questions were being thrown at us left and right. We ignored them walking in the abandoned restaurant.

I looked confused before turning around to look at harry who had a smile on his face. This place was usually packed, like line wrapped around the building four times packed so to see it completely empty was shocking.

"Harry what is this? What's going on?" I question as he guided me to the only table that had a lit candle in the center. He pulled out my chair for me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I reserved the whole restaurant for just the two of us for the night." He finally took his seat in front of me as I began to smile.

"You didn't have to do that." My smile was just growing bigger and bigger as he looked into my eyes. So little time spent with him and I find myself falling for him more and more by the minute.

"I wanted to, you deserve it." I couldn't even say anything. I felt my cheeks turning red as I looked down trying to hide it, pushing back some loose hairs that fell.

"Once we get our food, we'll really be alone by ourselves." He looked at me with a smirk causing me to give him a closed lip smile with my eyebrows raised.
"We could do some nasty throngs in this table if we wanted to." He shrugged his shoulders "just a thought though." My mouth had dropped as he said that.

"Harry!" I shook my head at how bold he was before a waiter had approached us. The petite women quickly ran off with our orders leaving us alone.
I swear we didn't have to say anything, we could just sit there staring at each other with smiles on our faces the whole entire time and it would still be the most perfect date.

"What did I do to deserve you?" My foot reached out underneath the table to gently rub his leg, taking him by surprise. He quickly cleared his throats before adjusting himself in his chair.
"King Kylie needs her queen."

"That place is taken choose another one." I smiled as he looked at me confused causing me roll my eyes.
"You make me so happy hare"

A/N- two more chapters then this book will be done. I've asked if you guys wanted a sequel to it but I'm also just going to throw in the option of just doing just one last chapter and it being a time jump. Let me know here which you'd prefer. I have good ideas for the sequel but I'm not sure how I feel about it especially since some of the subjects I would want to touch on are triggering. Let me know guys! Thank you for the support❤️ I've decided that tomorrow this book will be finished COMPLETELY and that I'd reaped my new book that I'm excited about aka "chosen for a dark path" i have 5 chapters already typed up and I'm going to release 2 and if you guys like it we'll take it from there ❤️

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