April 17, 2016 36 weeks & 1day
I woke up to the worst back pain ever. I didn't want to leave my bed but Someone's been ringing my doorbell like crazy for the past two minutes. I thought one of my friends would get it but I was wrong.
"Harry I swear if this is you I'm going loose my shi-" i swung my door open to see the last person i would want at my house right now.
"Surprise, I'm back in LA!" Justin quickly pulled me into a hug giving me a long squeeze before releasing me and going straight down to my belly, he started talking to my-, our daughter before shooting back up and looking at me."Why are you so quiet? I told you I'd be back in a few weeks."
I cleared my throat before finally speaking up,
"I didn't think it would be this soon, and I though maybe you'd call me and give me a heads up." He pushed past me as he walked towards my kitchen and started rummaging through my refrigerator.
"Well I'm here now." He took out some of my leftover Chinese food and began to warm it up."So harry? You've been spending alot of time with him?"
"What?" I felt my heart drop down into my stomach instantly.
"When you answered the door you thought I was harry. With the contract between you two I just assumed you guys got closer." He took the food out the microwave and began to start gulping it down."Oh, yeah we've become good friends." He said nothing he just nodded his head.
"Well as long as he knows the boundaries and knows we're going to work on us as soon as I finish the tour."I frowned for a minute before crossing my arms over my chest,
"Boundaries? What boundaries?""Yeah ya know, you guys can be friends but nothing more since we do plan to working things out. It wouldn't be right for us to be figuring things out if you two mess around with each other." He began to look in my fridge for a drink.
"But it's right for you to bring different girls to your hotel room every night? And when did we discuss this exactly?"
He was silent for a moment before shutting the door after grabbing a bottle of water,
"I haven't been with any girls ever since we last talked, a few days before then actually. And that's also where we talked about us."
"No no no no, that's when you talked about us! I never said anything I didn't have the chance to. I never said I'd give us a chance again."
He dropped the fork and looked over at me with a frown, "okay it sounds like you don't even want to try to be a family."
"Oh no trust me justin, that's all I ever wanted but i have no more energy to waste on you."I instantly regretted those word, I could tell it hurt him.
"I messed up okay? I'm trying to right my wrongs but how can I if you won't give a second shot?"
"I gave you plenty of opportunities to fix things and each time you left me looking stupid."His drifted away from mine as he thought about his next words carefully.
"I've admitted i screwed up, I'm not perfect. I take full blame for everything that's gone on between us, all the pointless fights, EVERYTHING," he stood up and walked closer to me taking my hands into his."But I want something more than
Just a friendship with you. We both feel something for each other I don't get why you can't just give me another chance.""I have you a hundred chances and I was let down each and every time."
I looked down at the ground not wanting to get emotional thinking about all the hurt he's put me through."Yeah I've made mistakes a couple of times and I'm sorry Kylie, but there's no other woman out there for me other than you!" He took my chin in between his fingers and looked deeply into my eyes.
Those soft brown eyes told a story, it was telling me that he really did care and was sorry. That he really.... loves me.
I let out A sigh not knowing what to say or do, I couldn't take his stare so my eyes wondered elsewhere. I heard him let out a sigh shortly after.
"Kylie, look I'm not expecting you to forgive me for everything but I'm hoping you're willing to try." I moved my chin from in between his fingers as I continued to look down, not being able to face him and tell him the truth.How could I break his heart right now when he's being so vulnerable to me? I can't just tell him...
Oh yeah, by the way, harry and I have gotten serious and are dating so you know, leave me alone after going through hell and back to fight for me.I just couldn't do that to him, no matter what I do still care about Justin and don't want to see him go back to those dark places.
"So? What are you thinking right now?" His eyes were big and all that was written in them was hope.I bit my lip not knowing what to say or what to do.
"I don't know Justin, I'm just..., I'm just a bit taken off guard by this"
He stood there his eyes slowly going to the ground as he nodded his head repeatedly.
"I understand, I completely understand. You need time to think about everything and to gather your thoughts and I'll respect that. I'll be in town for awhile and I'll be waiting for that call from you, okay?" Once again I didn't respond so he took my chin in between his fingers, he licked his lips before pulling me in towards him by my chin.Before I could even react, our lips had already crashed into each other. I was frozen, I couldn't pull away. I felt myself get more and more into the kiss, deepening it as my hands fell on either sides of his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
We finally pulled apart, both of us breathless. He bit his lip with a smug smirk on his face while he walked backwards towards the front door,
"I'll be waiting for that call."
As soon as I heard the front door my hand fell to my chest as I felt my heart beating rapidly, he still had that effect on me or it could possibly be the fact that I just cheated on harry and now have to find a way to tell him that I kissed Justin.
I know you've guys have been waiting awhile for this update and it's finally here! Please please please make sure to drop some baby girl names ❤️ something unique (also middle names) we're getting closer and closer to the end and it's kind of a relief but also a sad moment. I can't wait until you guys get to see how I plan to end this book, I hope you guys will be satisfied but then again I can't please everyone. Also please check out my other book that I have published call falling for a musician it's a jariana book that I put on hold to begin this book, give it a read and let me know if you guys would be interested in me finishing that book up or if you guys don't care for it let me know and I can list some other books I'm working on and you guys can vote on which one you'd rather read!

Forced For The Cameras
Fiksi PenggemarWhen 18 year old Kylie Jenner is forced by her mom aka her manager to sign a contract with 21 year old Justin Bieber, to fake a 1 year relationship with the pop star, her life becomes very complicated after just one night out. Her life gets a littl...