October 14, 2015, 9 weeks & 4 days
Kylie:I can't believe I let Stas trick me into wearing this to the dinner, it shows my belly, it doesn't help that I'm carrying twins which makes my belly even bigger.
It was too late now to change out of it. I took a deep breath in and let it out as I opened the door to my moms house.
Everyone was outside already at the table.
"Oh Kylie, there you are we thought you weren't coming." My dad got up from the table and gave me a hug.
"Sorry I'm late." I gave everyone a smile before sitting In between Khloe and Kendall.
"What the hell Ky, sit next to your fucking man." Khloe looked at me causing me to turn my head to look at Justin who was staring at kim.
I did as she said since I didn't want people to suspect anything.
"Can you pass me the bread?" I asked kourtney.
"Don't you think you've had enough? We can see where it's going ky." My mom let out a laugh as she tickled my stomach.
"Mom stop!" I pushed her hands off me and scooted closer to Justin.
"How fucking rude." Kim commented.
"What she's gained some weight?" My mom asked cluelessly.
"I have a lot going on right now and I don't need to deal with this bullshit from you guys." I ran, wait let me rephrase that, I attempted to run inside.
I leaned against the counter and cried my little heart out.
Damn these hormones. Explains why I've been crying so damn much lately.
"Hey you okay?" I heard a familiar voice speak.
"Yeah I'm fine." I gave Justin a quick smile before drying my eyes.
He nodded his head and it got awkward and silent.
"We need to talk." We finally said in unison.
"you first, but not here." I dragged him to the living room and we sat down on the couch.
"Look the whole, baby thing scared the shit out of me, I'm not ready to be a dad,-"
"I know and I'm not ready to be a mother, I've taken care of it."
He looked down at my stomach and back up at me,"Kylie what the hell did you do? Did you kill the baby?" He stood up and rage was written all over his face.
"Justin stop being so loud." I whispered as I grabbed his arms leading him back down to the couch.
"I didn't do it yet, but I talked to the doctor and I don't know I'm only 18 how the hell am I suppose to raise two kids? I'm a kid myself, I was considering abortion but I don't want to kill innocent babies because we fucked up, and even adoption came to me," I shrugged my shoulders.
"Did, did you say two kids?" Justin's eyes were locked on mine and I could see the fear in his eyes.
"Uhm, did I?"
"You're pregnant with twins"
I bit my lip and nodded my head.He stood up and walked back and forth, running his hands through his hair.
"Maybe, maybe abortion isn't such a bad thing." He turned to me still pacing.
"Justin I'm not killing them, I can't not after I saw the ultrasound." I put my hand over my stomach and looked at him with a worried look."There's an ultrasound? Can I see?" I nodded my head as he sat back down on the couch.
I pulled it out of my purse and handed it to him. I rested my chin on his shoulders before wrapping my arms around him.
I saw him smile at the picture, a tear fell from his eye and hit where one of the babies were.
"That explains why your belly is pretty big for, how many weeks are you?"
"9 weeks and 4 days" I smiled at him.
"You're almost 3 months." He looked at me in my eyes causing me to smile.
I bit my lip as he kept looking at me, I cleared my throat before speaking.
"So I don't know, maybe if we work together we'll be okay with the twins."
My smile started to fade when his did.
"Kylie, I, I can't be a dad right now, I'm only 21 I can't do this."
"What the hell do you mean? I'm only 18 Justin this isn't just my fault, it takes two people to make a baby, or two I should say."
"Yeah I know but, I can't just give up my life like that."
"And I can? I have a lot planned, you know what it's like growing up without a dad and you're going to do the same to your children? Pathetic." I grabbed the ultrasound from his hands before heading outside.
"I'm gonna go home, thanks for having me but I'm tired. Bye." I waved to everyone before shutting the door.
I turned and saw Justin sitting there looking at me. He put his head down causing me to roll my eyes and head for my car.
I can't believe Justin is going to leave me to raise two kids by myself, the whole adoption thing is looking good right now. Neither of us are ready to be parents, we're young and want to have fun, we don't want to worry about kids when we should be having the time of our lives.
But I can't carry these babies for 9 months then just give them to someone else, I've only known about them for a short amount of time and I already care about them. Then comes the whole abortion idea, but why would I want to hurt or even kill my children. Why should they pay the price for what their partners did.
I sat in my car thinking about all the possibilities it only stressed me out even more.
I slammed my hands against the steering wheel. I let out a scream before breaking out into tears. I have two growing beings inside of me and I have no idea what to do with them. I'm getting bigger day by day and the media will soon notice the babies.

Forced For The Cameras
FanfictionWhen 18 year old Kylie Jenner is forced by her mom aka her manager to sign a contract with 21 year old Justin Bieber, to fake a 1 year relationship with the pop star, her life becomes very complicated after just one night out. Her life gets a littl...