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"I've compiled a list of chores you will be doing in place of Lucy's absence as my roommate," Marina spoke professionally, handing me a piece of notebook paper. "Here you go."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "You guys actually do chores?"

She laughs. "How else do you expect this place to be so clean?"

I looked down at the list and as soon as I read the first one, I groaned. "Clean the toilet? Really?"

"Yes, really."

Letting out a huff, I reluctantly went on my way to the bathroom. Normally I'd refuse to take orders from anyone (unless they're my parents) but I'm incredibly grateful that they're helping with my prank and letting me stay at their apartment. It's the least I can do, other than pay for Lucy's university.

The toilet wasn't very dirty anyway, so I was able to get that disgusting chore out of the way. I looked at the next thing on my list and scrunched up my nose; washing the dishes.

There appeared to be stacks and stacks of filthy plates in the kitchen sink, making my frustration even more immense.

"The rubber gloves are in the cabinet, if you want to use 'em," Marina says from behind, startling me a bit.

I glanced at her. "You guys don't have a dishwasher?"

"Who do you think we are? The lead singers of an internationally popular punk-rock band?" she smirks, placing her hands on her hips.

Letting out a deep sigh, I grabbed the rubber gloves from the cabinet and started washing down the dishes. Marina continued to watch and after a few minutes I glanced at her again, "What?"

"You've never had to do any kind of extra hard work us normal people have to do everyday, have you?" she questioned, leaning against the counter.

I thought for a moment before saying, "I guess not."

"Then you have a lot to learn," she says, clapping her hands together. "First things first, since Lucy won't be able to make her payments for quite a while, you'll have to take her place and get a job."

My eyes widened as I carefully placed a clean dish on the drying rack. "How am I going to find a job where no one will recognize me?"

The idea of having a job that didn't include singing the lyrics of a song I wrote to thousands of screaming fans kind of frightened me.

"You can fill in for Lucy's job at Stony's while's away at the time being," Marina informs me. "I explained everything to her manager Danny, and he's sworn to secrecy. Most likely due to the fact that he's drop dead in love with Lucy."

My movements froze immediately. "He's in love with Lucy? What do you mean?"

She rolls her eyes. "Lucy is pretty damn oblivious to it, but I could tell she's got him quite whipped. One time he even almost confessed his love to her after just a simple 'hello' and Lucy always denies it but Danny definitely has the hots for her."

For some reason, I felt bothered and I didn't want to be. Why should I care that Lucy's manager is in love with her? And it's not like she likes him back... Hopefully.

...'Cause, you know, it might mess up the prank.

After finishing the dishes I went into Lucy's bedroom where I'll be sleeping in for the next six months. Her scent was still distinct on her pillows and sheets and it comforted me all last night I slept. I was a bit wary to be in here sometimes because I don't want to snoop and get her angry at me. But right now even though she wasn't here, it's like she's here due to the sweet scent of her perfume.

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now