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me: so... how's Stony's going for ya?

Luke: no offense but so far... it's incredibly boring.


Luke: it's just a record shop though?

me: aren't you in a band? aren't you a music lover? music lovers adore record shops.

Luke: yeah but it's not like I'm allowed to listen to them while I'm working

me: lmao I use to do it all the time

Luke: Lucy, you bad girl...

Luke: didn't you get in trouble by your boss?

me: nah, him and I are cool.

Luke: oh yeah, since he's like in love with you apparently.

me: Danny's not in love with me lol

Luke: *whistles* that's not what Marina said

me: marina's crazy. he's not in love with me

Luke: he is.

me: he's not.

Luke: he is.

me: he's not.

Luke: he is.

me: he's not.

Luke: can we pls talk about something else now...

Luke: what's the agenda for today?

me: calum ashton and michael asked me to hang out with them at some bowling alley, they're picking me up in a few minutes

Luke: good luck!

me: thanks. I'm going to need it while dealing with your crazy bandmates

Luke: they're not crazy... just... not normal?

me: haha sure. I'll text you when I need to. bye for now :)

Luke: bye Lucy :-)

"Luke!" I hear Luke's mum call from downstairs. "The boys are here!"

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at my appearance to be sure that I looked exactly like Luke (which I did) and I headed downstairs where Luke's parents were sitting on the couch.

"Bye mum, bye dad," I tell them hastily, walking out the door quite awkwardly. What? I've never dealt with parents before, considering my lowlife ones.

Ashton Irwin is driving the car with Calum Hood in the passenger seat, which means I had to sit in the backseat with Michael. Thinking about what had happened yesterday, I avoid the glance he's giving me and look to the boys in front of me.

"Hey guys," I say, internally panicking when I realized it would be difficult to make conversation with them.

"Hey man," Ashton says as he drives, "what's up?"

"Nothing much," I reply, looking out the window.

"You still mad at us for the pranks we pulled on you not so long ago?" Calum chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, thinking that it would probably be something Luke would do if it were actually him. "Well, it's not like I'll ever be pleased with it."

"Don't worry," Michael laughs from beside me, "you'll get us back eventually. Definitely not today, maybe not tomorrow... possibly not ever."

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now