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There's a deafening sound of knocks on the bedroom door at three in the morning. I know it's neither of Luke's parents because they previously informed me last night that they'll be out of town for a few days for a business trip for Luke's dad.

So whoever woke me up at three in the morning by nearly breaking down the door, is fucking dead.

"Who the hell is it?" I growled, gritting my teeth as I clenched the blanket with my fists.

"Who do you think it is?" Calum sings happily, which makes me want to punch him in the face for being so cheerful at this time of day while I was so grumpy.

"Satan's children?" I scoffed, pulling the blanket over my head.

"Close, but no," Michael chuckles softly. "It's your three best mates in the world."

"For now," I grumbled, my annoyance at them growing each minute I'm not sleeping.

"Get up, get up!" Ashton squeals excitedly. "We're going on an adventure!"

"At three in the fucking morning?!" I shouted, throwing the blanket off of my heated body. "No way. Fuck off."

"How cute," Calum laughs. "He thinks he has a choice."

"Why do you guys always have to pick on me?" I whined, pouting my lips like an eight year old.

"Because you're the youngest," Ashton answers, "which makes you the easiest to pick on."

"We'll let you get ready," Michael spoke up. "We'll wait in the car out front, but if you're not out in an hour, we'll drag you."

"Fuck you," I muttered, standing up from the bed.

This whole prank better be damn worth it in the end. I don't know how much more shit I can put up with from these guys.

Suddenly I feel sympathy for Luke. He had to deal with those weasels every single day. Ha. This prank is probably like a vacation for him.

I grabbed a change of clothes and headed for the bathroom, making sure not to run into any of the other boys in case they were still lingering in the house. Just as I was going about my business, I realized that Mother Nature decided to pay me an early visit.

"Fucking periods," I grumbled, stepping into the hot, steamy shower. "Fucking bandmates who make you wake up at three in the morning to go on a stupid adventure."

Once I was dressed and finished taking a shower, I came prepared and swallowed two Advil's to prevent any cramping during this adventure. I shoved extra tampons into my backpack and made extra sure that they were hidden and unable to fall out... this time.

If they made an appearance once again, what excuse would I make? I "broke up" with Marina, therefore that whole "it's my girlfriend's" excuse won't work anymore. I could say nosebleeds but that wasn't even convincing enough in the first place. Maybe I could declare Luke having a fetish for tampons.

Why am I even thinking about this?

I made sure that the house was secured and properly locked for Luke's parents' sake and walked over to said car waiting in the front. As soon as we sped off, I spoke up.

"So, which one of you pinheads are going to tell me why we're out and about at three in the morning?"

"Correction, four in the morning," Michael says, shaking his head at me. "You take way too long getting ready, mate. Are you secretly a girl or something?"

I ignored the slight pause my heart made and the way my stomach dropped at his last comment. "Shut up. Someone just tell me where we're going."

"That information shall be revealed," Ashton says, not taking his eyes off the road, "when we arrive at our destination."

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now