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"I still say we should show up at Michael's house with baseball bats and teach that shit-head a lesson."

"As much as I'm tempted, Marina," I spoke, laughing slightly, "I'm pretty sure we'd get arrested."

Marina crossed her arms. "My aunt is a lawyer."

"Marina," Lucy says, rolling her eyes, "your aunt is in prison."

"I mean my other aunt."

"Your other aunt is in prison as well."


"Guys, guys," I interrupted. "Let's drop the subject, okay?"

"Guys, there's no need to inflict any sort of violence upon Michael," Lucy sighs. "I've already made my peace with this whole thing."

"Well, I didn't," Marina muttered.

I ignored Marina's comment and turned to Lucy. "You have?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "What happened, happened. He was drunk - though that is not an excuse - and I was saved. I think we should all move on from this."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Have you forgiven him already?"

Lucy looked at me with a solemn look on her face from across the table. "I always think that forgiveness is better than revenge or holding a grudge. It's not like I'll forget it, but I'll forgive him. Everybody makes mistakes."

I didn't know what to make of this. A part of me feels that she shouldn't forgive him, at least not yet, but a huge part of me knows that I can't control what she does and who she forgives.

And another part of me feels that it's my fault this whole thing happened in the first place.

Marina glanced out the window and let out a huff. "That's sweet Lucy, but the real question is: what the hell are we going to do today? It's storming like fuck outside."

"Um," I spoke up, "I have a shift at Stony's soon."

Marina snorted. "Good luck."

"Oh, let me go with you!" Lucy claps her hands excitedly. "I miss Stony's, and I want to so hi to Danny. I'm sure he'll be happy to see me."

"I'm sure, too," I mumbled.

"None of this crap about how Danny is 'in love' with me, okay?" Lucy pleaded. "Please."

"But it's true," Marina says. "Honey, it's so obvious it's actually quite sad."

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Then why can't I see it?"

"Babe, you're so oblivious he could have the words 'I Am In Love With Lucy Hemmers' tattooed to his forehead and you still wouldn't think much of it."

I laughed at Marina's comment. "Now that's a dream tattoo."

"You guys are jerks," Lucy huffed, standing up and walking away.



Lucy runs over to Danny who is taken by surprise as she engulfs him in a huge hug.

"Lucy, it's so nice to see you," Danny says with a bright smile on her face. "I really missed you. I really, truly did."

Marina walks behind me and mutters, "The Obvious and The Oblivious. They were practically made for each other."

My eyes widened and I snapped, "No, they were not!"

Marina laughs and rolls her eyes. "Jealousy doesn't look too great on you, Lukey."

"I'm not jealous," I say through gritted teeth. "I just hate the way that bastard looks at her."

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now