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Michael and Calum stared mindlessly at me for what felt like forever, when it was actually probably only ten minutes. Their expressions went from stoic to confused to frightened all within a span of a few seconds. I didn't know whether or not to laugh in their faces or run away out of extreme nerves.

"L-Luke," Calum stutters, looking back and forth between my boyfriend and I, "why are there two of you?"

"Don't tell you went to some science lab and paid millions of fucking dollars to clone yourself," Michael says, his eyes widening. "'Cause that would be savage as fuck."

I decided it was my time to speak up. "Actually, I'm not a clone."

They both turned back towards me, shocked at the sound of my voice. I smiled and pulled off my wig (it sort of felt like that Hannah Montana episode when Miley exposed herself and told the world that she was Hannah Montana) and said, "I'm Lucy Hemmers, the female version of Luke Hemmings."

Michael and Calum were speechless again, while Ashton was in the background laughing his ass off at the whole situation. I wanted to point out to him that we had him fooled for at least have of the time of the duration of this prank, but I decided not to.

Calum cleared his throat, absolutely bewildered, "Mate, what the hell is going on?"

"I pulled the best prank in the history of pranks, that's what's going on," Luke smirks, placing his hand on my lower back in comfort.

"What prank?!" Michael screeches, frustrated out of being so utterly confused. I don't blame him.

"You see, the past few months when you thought you were hanging out with me," Luke spoke, his voice sounding so terribly cool and collected, "it actually wasn't me. It was Lucy. In a wig."

Michael gaped while Calum said, "Wait, wait, you mean to tell me that a girl who already looked like you pretended to be you to fuck with us?"

"Yes," I confirmed. "By the way, it was really great - and weird - getting to know you guys."

"What about the performance on stage? What about the songs we've written? What about-"

"I've masqueraded Luke's voice quite perfectly, if I do say so myself and I actually wrote those songs," I explained to a bantering Michael Clifford. Poor boy looked as though he was about to faint.

The two of them walked closer to me, as if taking me and my appearance in observation. Michael narrows his eyes and Calum pokes my shoulder, as if disbelieving my entire existence.

"Can you guys please stop creeping my girlfriend out?" Luke rolls his eyes.

"Girlfriend?!" Michael and Calum yelled in unison.

"She's your girlfriend?" Calum questions and we nodded at him. "But she looks like she could be your sister!"

"Please don't ever say that again," Luke sighs, shaking his head. "She's definitely not my sister."

"I need a deep explanation, right now," Michael demanded, furrowing his eyebrows.

I sighed, knowing this is going to take a few hours.


"And now we're here," Luke concluded, intertwining his hand with mind. "Happy now?"

"So you mean all this time we've been talking to Lucy? The reason why we thought you've gotten so damn fantastic at bowling and video games was because it wasn't you... which makes a lot of sense," Calum says, nodding his head. "So this was all a prank, because you were sick of our shit."

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now