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"Welcome back to the single life, Hemmo!"

I groaned and pushed Calum, who literally had not left my side all day, away.

"Thanks," I said, giving him my widest smile possible.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows. "Shouldn't you be in some sort of depressed state? Not that I want you to, it's just that you really liked this girl and now you seem fine."

I glanced at Michael and our eyes met for a second before I replied, "I guess I just made my peace with it."

I watched as Michael blushed and glanced down at his lap, a small grin on his face.

"Well, that's great, mate," Calum says, patting my back. "Now I can be your wingman and find both of us some dates tonight."

My eyes widened, and I shook my head profusely. "No, no, no. I may have made my peace with it, but I think I want to continue staying single for a while. I'm not ready to date again."

He pouted. "But you've got to move on from her eventually. And I think we can really help you with date, especially me."

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry Cal, but I don't think getting drunk on a Saturday night at some club and having a one night stand with a random girl isn't going to help me move on."

Michael spoke up right after me, "Yeah Calum, stop being an inconsiderate douchebag."

"I was just helping," Calum grumbled.

"At least come with us tonight? You don't have to get with any girls, I promise," Ashton attempted to persuade me.

I sighed. "Fine."

While Luke and I both figured out our feelings for each other, we decided to we're going to wait before starting an official relationship. No, it won't be a "friends with benefits" thing, just a friendship that will soon eventually expand into romance.

It's complicated, okay?

Luke and I want to go out in public being ourselves rather than hiding our relationship. We agreed that us getting together now will make the prank more difficult to continue. It's only about four months anyway, it'll over in no time.


The music is way too loud. Yes, I know I sound like an elderly person but it's true. I feel like if you went to this club every single night, you would eventually go deaf.

I glanced down at my outfit; black slacks and a black blazer over a white buttoned up shirt. I realize that it may be too fancy for just a club full of drunks, but it's not like you can show up in an old t-shirt and jeans. That might not score a dude with the ladies.

"Hey guys!" Michael greeted as he walked towards Ashton, Calum, and I - wearing an old t-shirt and jeans.

"Mate," Calum nodded his head towards the dance floor, "see that chick with the blue hair?"

"She's a cutie," Michael says, quickly glancing at me for some reason.

Ashton nudged me. "How 'bout you, Luke? See any girls you can see being in love with?"

"I already told you, I'm not looking for a girl tonight," I told him. Also I am not romantically nor sexually attracted to females, but you don't need to know that yet.

"Come on, dude," Calum laughs. "There's gotta be someone you find attractive."

"Unless you play for the other team," Michael added as a joke, but I could see a bit of hope in his eyes.

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now