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It was six in the morning. I had a day off from Stony's. Marina was already at work and I was starting to get bored as well. Friends doesn't seem to be as interesting as my beautiful girlfriend, despite my efforts in trying to watch it.

The sun was just starting to rise, making the sky a mixture of colors. The sight was breathtaking, but it doesn't hold a candle to Lucy.

Once arriving at my house, I was surprised to see that my parents' car wasn't in the driveway. Assuming that they were out for something work related, I walked over to the front door and rung the doorbell. No answer, even after repeatedly pressing it.

I knocked multiple times, but still after quite some time, there wasn't an answer. Was Lucy even here?!

I walked over to the side of the house and climbed up the tree that led to my bedroom window. I wasn't prepared for the sight that bestowed upon me.

Ashton and Lucy. Sitting on my bed, talking. Sounds pretty normal, considering she's pretending to be me. Well, she's supposed to.

Lucy is dressed like herself, with her long hair loose and her... chest area not flat. Basically, she just revealed the prank to Ashton.

Am I mad? Not as much as I thought I would be.

The only thing I'm mad is that her and Ashton are on a bed, alone. Smiling at each other. Talking about God knows what. And completely ignoring my frantic knocks on the window.

Finally, I had enough and decided to use my voice. "Open the fucking window!"

They both turned to me with wide eyes. Lucy quickly ran over and opened the window, letting me crawl through.

"What the hell is going on?" I immediately questioned, glancing at Ashton.

"Luke, I-" Lucy started but is interrupted by Ashton.

"Okay now," Ashton spoke, curiosity on his face. "Is he actually Luke or is this another look alike?"

Lucy rolled her eyes and I stared him down. "Sometimes it's hard to believe that you're older than me."

"Let us tell you what happened," Lucy says, grabbing my hand.

And just like that, under her comforting touch, I'm calmer. I sit down on the bed and looked up at Ashton and Lucy. "Okay. Explain."

"The boys kidnapped me at three in the morning," she began.

Ashton groaned. "We did not kidnap you. We were going on an-"

"Adventure, yeah, I know," Lucy rolls her eyes. "Anyway, they took me to a creepy forest-"

I raised my eyebrow. "A creepy forest at three in the morning is your idea of an adventure?"

Ashton huffed. "This situation would be a lot easier to explain if you would just shut the fuck up and listen."

Lucy continued, ignoring our banter. "We ended up hiking to a lake and guess what they decided would be fun: skinny dipping. May I remind you that I am on my monthly Satan's gift, and for the other reasons I could not possibly participate in this activity. However, despite my protests, the boys had another idea in mind."

Ashton cleared his throat, looking at me nervously. "Yeah, we um, kind of threw her in the water."

"Why?" I asked, glaring at him. "Wait, don't answer that. It's because you guys are actual baboons."

"When I was shoved into the water, the... thing that makes me not, you know, spill... fell out. I got out of the water and ran away to change. And as you can infer, Ashton caught me changing," Lucy finished.

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now