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Imagine the one person you care most about in the entire world called you on your phone and said in a completely broken, frightened voice, "I don't feel safe. Please come get me."

You fucking know, no matter how late it is, you're going to put on your shoes, get in your car, and go get that person you so deeply care about. Because the thought of them being in danger makes you feel sick to your stomach. Because you a heart, and you know you would never let anything bad happen to them.

I swore I was about to put my foot down when I spotted a crying Lucy. I was going to tell her that the prank was over, that I couldn't let her into harm's way anymore. But I didn't want to pick a fight with her. I needed to take care of her, not make her feel worse.

I also may have internally promised that when the prank was over, Michael's ass was surely to be properly kicked.

I woke up right before Lucy; she deserved as much sleep as she could get. I found the phone the was in the pocket of the black slacks Lucy wore last night and called my mum.

Immediately, she shouted into the phone, "Luke Robert Hemmings, where the hell are you?!"

Although she was yelling at me, I couldn't help but smile at the sound of my mother's voice. I hadn't heard it in so long, which made me realize that I truly miss her.

"Mum, I'm at a friend's house," I inform her as calmly as I could. "I really need to stay here, something happened between me and the boys."

My mum sighed. "Yeah, I know everything."

"You to?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, Ashton came by and told me what went down," she told me. "I'm sorry what happened to you. Michael keeps calling over and over and saying he was drunk and he didn't mean it."

"Well I don't want to talk to him at the moment," I muttered. "I just need to stay here for a few days. I'll be home soon, I promise."

"Okay," my mum says softly. "As long as you're safe. I know this is hard on you, especially since your recent break up. I hope you feel better, Luke."

I smiled. "Thanks, mum."

"You're welcome, dear. You were completely sober, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, mum."

"Good. Bye, sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you too, mum," I say before hanging up the phone.

I glanced at Lucy who was still in a deep sleep, and decided to make some breakfast for her for when she wakes up.

Marina is already in the kitchen when I leave the room. She turns to me and immediately says, "How is she?"

"Asleep. So just be a little quieter," I tell her. "I know that may be an impossible task for you."

She rolls her eyes, but continues her many questions anyway. "What happened?"

I take out the waffle maker from the cabinet and set it on the counter. "Ah, her and the boys went to the club last night and-"

"A club?!" Marina pouted. "They didn't invite me, the girlfriend."

"Marina, you guys are supposed to be broken up," I reminded her.

"Whatever," she sighs. "So continue the story."

"Anyway," I say, "they were at the club and the boys got drunk and well, Michael forced himself on her."

"That little bugger!" Marina shouts, slamming her coffee mug on the table. "I'm gonna kick his fucking sorry ass so hard he'll think that we live on the planet Mars!"

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now