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I watched as the sun peeked through the curtains, brightening up Lucy's face. She was still asleep and I had my arm around her; I was clearly wide awake. She wore my shirt and I wore my boxers and that was it.

Last night was absolutely amazing.

Sex is always seen as a "simple" thing in sitcoms. But it's not simple. It's intricate. It's slow. It's... It's beautiful. And as I lay next to this beautiful woman, I realize that I just created a beautiful thing with the most beautiful girl in the world.

Suddenly her eyes start blinking profusely, letting me know that she was waking up. I averted my eyes so she won't think that I was staring at her, even though I clearly was.

"What time is it?" Lucy asks groggily, rubbing her eyes.

I glanced at the alarm clock. "Six in the morning."

Her eyes widened. "That's it?"

"How much time do you have to kill before going to rehearsals?" I asked.

"I have to get up in a few hours," she informs, biting her lip.

I smirked, winking at her. "What could we ever possibly do early in the morning with nothing to do?"

Lucy blushed and shook her head. "You want a round two?"

I nodded. "Yes."

She rolls her eyes playfully at me but ends up climbing on top of me. Together, we're beautiful.


Wrapping my arms around her waist, I nuzzle my head in the crook of her neck and whisper, "I love you."

She laughs and leans into my embrace. "I love you more."

I press soft kisses on her warm, delicate skin. "I love you most."

Lucy laughs again and I am almost sure that it's the most beautiful, amazing sound in the entire world.


I pouted my lips as she slipped on a shirt, giggling at my grumpiness as I laid in bed.

"Why can't we stay in between the sheets all day?" I sighed.

"Because we have things to do today, Luke," Lucy tells me.

I let out a frustrated huff because all I wanted to do right now was to hold the woman that I love for eternity. But I guess we don't always get what we want.

Suddenly there's a knock on my door and I jump out of bed, ready to hide in the closet or whatever.

"Who is it?" Lucy asks, masquerading my voice.

"It's just us, don't worry Lucy," Ashton chuckles from the other side of the door.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What does he mean by us?"

Lucy bites the bottom of her lip nervously, "Him and his girlfriend, Bryana. I told her about the prank situation and she's cool with it, I hope that's okay."

I chuckled and walked over to my girlfriend, taking her face in my hands and leaning our foreheads against each other. "Everything's okay."

She nodded and lightly pressed her lips against mine before pulling away and whispering, "You might want to put some clothes on, quickly."

I nodded and started covering my body and she went to answer the door. Ashton and a girl with blonde hair walks in, and he walks around the room as if he's inspecting something.

He glances at the messed up bed sheets and raised his eyebrow at me. "So what happened here? Anything interesting last night?"

"I'll have you know we were playing a very innocent game of Twister," I informed him, and Lucy's face went bright red.

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now