Chapter 1

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"You're not going to that damn concert!" He yelled while slamming the door to my room.

He hated Slipknot. He was my dad. Somehow, he found out I got tickets to go. I'm 22 years old and living at home. My name is Erin. I am stuck in my room until morning. Dammit. I was going to that concert, oh yes I was.

I walked over to see if my window was unlocked. It was! Luckily, I had all of my hair stuff in my room. I got ready and threw on a Slipknot sweatshirt with a pair of black skinny jeans.

I quietly lifted the window up and swung my legs around. The drop was only about 6-7 feet down. I dropped. Success! I didn't hurt anything! Now to get to the concert!

I called a taxi. I slipped my phone out and stood in front of a bush In my yard so he wouldn't see me if he looked out the window. I called a taxi. Five minutes later, the taxi pulled up in front of my house. I hopped in and told the driver the address.

Twenty minutes later, the taxi parked in front of the venue. I told the driver I was gracious, paid the fee, and got out.

The venue was mainly large. I walked in and saw the merchant tables set up with Slipknot and Mushroomhead clothing. Mushroomhead was opening for Slipknot. I reached into my pocket and felt a larger kind of pass. I wondered what it was and pulled it out. I forgot I had backstage passes! I was even more psyched than I was before!

Mushroomhead came on at 7:30 on the dot, and slipknot came on at 9:00. This was going to be the best night of my life! The curtain had a huge Slipknot tribal symbol on it and the curtain was a bluish purple color.

After about a minute of anticipation, the curtain pulled up. I was jumping around like a crazy person.

Before I knew it, the concert was over. I was sad, but I remembered I was about to meet Slipknot! My dreams had finally come true. I walked over to the security guards keeping the fans out from the backstage area. I showed him my blue pass and he nodded, letting me pass him.

I walked forwards and into this lounge sort of area. Right there, in front of my eyes, I see Mick Thomas, Sid Wilson, Corey Taylor, and Jim Root sitting on couches facing each other. Apparently I was the only fan back here.

When Corey Taylor turned his head and looked at me, so did the others. Corey smiled, got up and walked over to me. "Hi!"

He had the most gorgeous smile across his face. I stood there, jaw dropped to the floor. I couldn't form words. My idols were right there in front of me.

"What is your name?" He asked curiously.

"I-my name is Erin." I stammered.

"Nice to meet you Erin." Corey said with a smile.

"You too." I said, returning a small smile. Corey stared in my eyes for what seemed eternity. Just then, someone came over. He had jet black hair with red highlights. It was Joey Jordison.

Joey walked over to me and Corey. "Hey! I'm joey. Pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand out for a handshake which I happily returned. After he shook my hand, he called Sid over.

"Yo Sid! Get off your lazy ass and c'mere!" Sid cocked his head in the direction he heard his name called in.

He got up and walked over to us, a smile on his face."Sid, this is Erin." Corey said with a smile that could kill someone.

"Whats up?" Sid asked me.

"Nuttin much Mr Wilson. You?" He smiled when I said "Mr Wilson".

"Nothing much, talking to you." We both laughed. Corey motioned me to follow him. I followed, curiously wondering where he was taking me. He led me into an empty room off to the side of the lounge. There was a couch and a lamp next to it with a mirror and dresser beside it. "This must be his dressing room." I thought to myself. I sat on the couch as he closed the door and turned around, a serious look on his face. As he walked towards me, I began to feel nervous.

HEY YALL. This is my first Slipknot fan fiction. Like and comment if you want chapter 2!

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