Chap 25

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Corey's POV
It's been almost a month since she left. To be honest, I really miss her. Then I remembered: she gave me her phone number! I'm going to try calling her. I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through the contacts until I reached her's. I tapped on it and it immediately dialed.

It rang three times before I heard a voice on the other side.
"Hello?" Her beautiful voice spoke.

"Erin?" There was silence for a few moments.

"Corey? Is that you?"

"Yup it's me. Erin, I miss you so much darling. Come home please?"

"No. I can't. There's too much pain and guilt. Besides, what about Chris? He'd never forgive me. Do you even know what he tried to do?"

"Yes I do. That was a very stupid thing he did. Luckily, he didn't go to prison. He was drunk out of his skull when he did that. And if you come back, and Chris hates you, I'll protect you. You can be mine again." I told her truthfully. I heard faint sobbing on the other end.

"What is it baby?" I asked, afraid.

"I just don't want to be hurt again Corey. I'm afraid!" She said in between sobs.

"I'll never hurt you again Erin. I swear on my life I will protect you from anything and everything that I can. We can even get married if you want."

"Okay. Here's what's going on Corey. Im going on tour with Alice In Chains. I will text you everyday. And when we get to Iowa, I'll make sure to stop and visit you guys. I'll definitely keep in touch until then. Okay?"

"You promise?"

"I cross my heart. I miss you a lot too Corey."

"I love you Erin."

"I love you too Corey. I can't wait to see you baby."

"You too. Bye. Make sure to stay in touch!"

I heard a light laugh on the other side. " I will Corey don't worry haha."

"Okay bye."

Erin's POV
"Bye." I smiled and hung up.

God I miss Corey so much. I woke up extra early this morning to prepare for tour. And by extra early, I mean like 4 am early. We have to leave by 7 am. Me and Jerry are the only ones awake. Luckily, I went outside to the porch to talk to Corey so even if Mike was awake, he wouldn't have heard. I heard the screen door that lead here outside to the porch open behind me.

I turned around and saw Jerry. "Hey. Are you all packed?" He said with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.


"Hey Jerry where's our first stop?"

"The palladium in Hollywood. It'll take about a day or so to get there."

"Oh okay." I said, getting up and going inside behind Jerry.

A\N: plot twisttttttt

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