Chap 32

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The next day at 1:00 pm, Brenna and Stacy picked me up as planned. We're at a wedding and prom dress shop in the mall. We spent about two hours trying on dresses before actually deciding on some. Stacy and Brenna's dresses are a beautiful
turquoise blue color. I chose my dress, a gorgeous white dress with a long train in the back and long sleeves. We're at the house and me and Chris set the date for September 10th.

We sent out invitations to all of our friends and family. We also decided to get married in the backyard of the mansion we're all staying in, since the backyard is gigantic. All the guys invited their friends and family. It's going to be a big, nice wedding. We also invited a few celebrities that the band is personal friends with. Such as: All of Pantera, All of Faith No More, All of Metallica, All of Megadeth, and even Alice In Chains.

Yes, I know Mike broke my heart, but I believe there's good in him. No matter how much he cheats or is strung out. And besides, it'll be nice to see the guys. Especially Sean and Layne. We got responses from all of the people we invited. Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Faith No More, and even Alice is Coming. I have to admit, I'm a little surprised. Unless Mike didn't want to come and he was outnumbered. Or maybe he's changed.

All of the guys and me are outside in the back playing football. No, I'm not ALL "girly girl". Haha. So in all, there's ten of us. Five on each team. Brenna and Stacy are keeping score. We picked team captains and they were Sid & Chris. On Sid's team, there was him, Craig, Jim, Shawn, & Paul. On Chris's side, there was Him, Me (of course), Mick, Corey, & Joey. We're gonna kick their asses. We have Mick! He's a MONSTER. Chris is QB, me and Corey are defense, and Mick and Joey are offense. I feel sorry for whoever's about to get tackled by Mick. Oh, did i mention me and Corey have gotten a lot closer? Not in THAT way, but In the best friend way. We talk to each other about anything and everything. He's very happy for me and Chris.

It's second quarter in the game and we're winning 21-14! Poor Sid got sacked by Mick. He was lying on the ground writhing in pain for a good five minutes. We got him up though, he's alright.

"Ready.... Hike!" Chris yelled. He threw the ball to Joey and he ran in for a touch down. Me and Corey high fived each other and jumped against each other's backs. Joey was in the "endzone" jumping up and down like a little kid. We all giggled and Switched sides. Corey somewhat kicked the ball to the other side, followed by him slipping and falling on his back. I couldn't help but die of laughter. He bounced back up and playfully punched me in the shoulder.

"Oh shut up!" He said, shoving me lightly and giggling.

About an hour later, the game was over and we won 35-28! Our team celebrated by jumping in the pool while the other team cleaned up the mess we all made from dinner. That was the bet!

A\N: Hey guys this was kinda a filler chapter. The picture above is what the bridesmaids are wearing.

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