Chap 21

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Me and Mike were sitting on the couch, Mike playing his gorgeous white bass. Layne came in to the room and threw his hands together.

"We're going out for dinner bitches!!! If you don't go y'all are pussies!" He announced to the house.

Moments later, sean and Jerry came flying downstairs.
"DID I HEAR SOMEONE SAY WE'RE GOING OUT FOR DINNER?!" Sean and Jerry screamed in sync. Layne stood by the door as me and Mike watched all this shit go on.

Layne raised his hand awkwardly. "Um...I did?" He said cautiously. Jerry and Sean yelled and ran through the door, pushing Layne out of the way. Me and Mike shook our heads and got up, heading to the car. Mike helped Layne up while heading out the door.

"Table for five please." Layne said when we walked in. Mike intertwined his hand with mine and smiled. We all walked over to a table and sat down. Mike sat on my left, Sean on my right. The waiter came over and asked us what we wanted to drink. We all replied with cokes and water. The others were talking quietly amongst themselves. Mike had an "up to no good" grin on his face. I just smirked and looked away.

I felt a hand rest on my inner right thigh. I looked at Mike and he had a grin on his face. I looked down. Sure enough, it was his hand. He kept inching his hand farther and farther. I looked at him, knowing where this was going.

"Mike, not now. We're in public." I laughed lightly.

He grinned and pulled his hand away. " Fine...later though. You can bet on that." He winked.

"Yes...later." I said with a smirk.


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