Chap 34

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Me and Chris are sitting at our table listening to everyone giving their speeches about us. Sid and Corey both came up drunk off their asses and made complete fuckwads of themselves. What really caught my eye is when the members of Alice In Chains started coming up one by one. Layne, Jerry and Sean all said wonderful things about mine and theirs friendships. Then......Mike came up to the podium.

I felt a slight smile spread across my face as he spoke. "I feel honored that I was invited to this wonderful wedding of Chris and Erin. To you Chris, I'm sorry I beat the ever loving fuck out of you, I was just trying to protect her," Chris nodded with a small smile and a thumbs up at Mike," and to you Erin, I'm sorry about any pain I've caused you in the past. I hope we can move on and continue to be friends." He raised his glass of champagne. "To the bride and groom." Everyone else clapped, raised their glasses, and drank. Mike kept his eyes on me as he drank and walked off the podium.  I couldn't help but blush, He smirked.

The speeches ended.....thank God! The music for the dancing began and me and Chris got up hand in hand and he led me to the center of the floor. The room was dead quiet other than the music. Me and him danced in sync with the music and we couldn't help but smile goofily at each other. Chris looked down at our moving feet and I glanced at Mike. His hands were folded against his mouth. But under, I could see a smile. I smiled back and he put his hands down, revealing the smile I knew was there. I looked at Chris again and he was still smiling.

Before we knew it, the song was over and everyone clapped. We sat back down as everyone began socialising and moving to the dance floor. I giggled when I saw Dave Mustaine and David Ellefson dance together, along with Jerry and Layne and Sean all dancing together. Phil was dancing with a woman whom I guessed was his wife. Long blonde hair, thin as a pencil but nice curves. Chris went to the table where the rest of slipknot are sitting and I'm here with Brenna and Stacy.

My train of thoughts were broken when my shoulder was carefully turned by a big hand. I turned around curiously and saw a smiling Mike.

"Hi." He said as he dug his hands in his pants pockets nervously.  

I smiled and stood up. "Hey."

He took my hand smoothly. "Can we talk somewhere?"

I nodded and he led me out of the party room and away from the booming of the music. "So, I just wanted to say I'm so fucking sorry, Erin. I'm so fucking sorry." He looked down ashamedly.

I slid my hand onto his cheek and lifted his head up. He mouth was open a crack and he looked at me with puppy eyes. "Mike. Relax. We're good. I forgive you." I frowned and rubbed his shoulder reassuringly.

He sighed with relief. "Thank you. I just can't believe I hurt y-"

"Mike stop. I still love you, no matter what." I frowned again, still rubbing his shoulder. I stopped dead in my tracks as we both stared straight into each other's eyes. Our lips slammed together and he put his hands on my hips, mine were on his neck as we both kissed slowly with passion and meaning. We stopped and looked at each other. We both smiled and giggled lightly. "I've missed you Mike."


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