Chap 7

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I was confused. My idol was telling me I was "his". "W-what do you mean I'm yours?" Corey looked at me. "Erin," he paused,"I have something to tell you. " I motioned for him to continue. "I like you. A lot." He looked up at Me. I was astonished. My idol liked me, and not a friend zone way. "Really? I mean I like you too corey. I mean I bet you get that from every fan, but I mean it." He nodded in approval. It was silent for a few moments. "Well um, what do we do now?" I asked. "I think you know." Corey said, smirking. He thrusted towards me, roughly kissing me. Our tongues danced in synchronicity as he picked me up under my thighs with his strong arms and carried me up to his bedroom. I didn't realize how much of caged animals we were until we got to the bedroom. When we got in the room, Corey let me down, closed the door, and ran right back to me. We continued kissing and I pulled Corey's shirt up over his head as quick as humanly possible. Corey bit my lip, tugging at it slightly. I grinned against his mouth. He pulled my shirt over my head, eagerly. His magnificently talented hands unhooked my bra and he threw it across the room. He started kissing my neck and I let out a breath against his shoulder I didn't notice I was holding. I felt a slight pain at the base of my neck, followed by a sweet kiss to make up for it. I smiled and let out a slight chuckle. Corey released me and set me down on the bed gently. I unbuttoned his pants and he did the same to me. This left him in his boxers (I could clearly see a bulge), and me in my underwear. He looked at my chest and grinned. I chuckled. "Enjoying the view Mr Taylor?" He looked at me seductively. "Very much so." He pinned me down on the bed and leaned in to passionately kiss me. He looked in my eyes and grinned. "Are you ready?" I was stunned. Would my virginity really be taken by my idol? This is my ultimate dream come true. "Yeah, I'm just kind of nervous." He gave me a concerned look. "Is this your first time?" I nodded, afraid of what he'd do or say. I remembered what happened a few years ago. I could tell he remembered too, his expression changed into a frown. He looked at me reassuringly. "Don't worry, you walk me through it. Tell me if it hurts or not. It'll be fine okay?" I smiled and nodded. He got off of me, stood up, and took his boxers off. I couldn't help but stare. He was obviously very turned on. He grinned at me, knowing what I was staring at. I looked up at him. He could tell I was tense. '"Lay back, and relax. Don't worry. This is going to be the best thing that's ever happened to you." He pulled off my underwear. "Alright, you really gotta let me know if it hurts. Walk me through it. Okay?" I nodded. He spread my legs and positioned himself at the entrance. "Is it broken?" I nodded.  "I guess we'll find out. It should be."  "Because if it's not broken, its gonna hurt at first." He looked down. I sighed. ",okay, I'm ready." I could feel the tip meet the entrance. "Okay, I'm going in a little further okay?" I nodded,scared of what was going to happen next. He pushed in further and I tried my very hardest not to scream. It hurt slightly, but I knew more pain was coming my way.  "Okay?" He looked at me and I nodded. "Okay, I'm going to have to thrust in very fast to break it (I can tell it's not broken). It's gonna hurt.... A lot." I nodded and gripped the sheets for support. "Okay here it goes." Boy was I wrong. I threw my hand over my mouth and screamed. My breathing Increased rapidly. "Oh my god oh my god ohmygod." It was all so painful but so pleasuring at the same time. "Corey, go out (almost) and thrust back in." He did as he was told. I moaned loudly. Corey stuck his tongue out playfully. "Okay, it should be more enjoyable now. Now that's over with, I'm gonna pick up the pace a bit okay?" I nodded, needing more. He picked up the pace and I knew what heaven was like. " Corey!," I breathed heavily. "Faster Corey!" "Your wish is my command." He picked up the pace and I moaned uncontrollably. He laid down on me, almost hugging me to hold on for support. He let out breaths in between each thrust. He went as fast as his hips allowed him to and pulled out. He came all over the bed sheets. "Fuck." He said, out of breath. He nuzzled up to me as we got under the covers. "How was that?" He asked, laughing. He placed a protective arm over my chest. "Absolutely fantastic." I said, playing with his hair. I felt him smile against my stomach. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

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