Chap 35

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"I missed you too Erin. All I could do when you were gone was think about how I screwed things up between us and how it was all my fault."

"Mike I love you and again, I forgive you. To be honest, I want to be with you, not Chris. I fucking still hate him for how he abused you AND me, even though you kicked his ass haha."

He chuckled lightly. "Yeah....I did didn't I?"

I laughed. "Yes you did Mikey."

He grinned. "Well as much as I love this, I think we should get back to the party. It is YOUR wedding after all. And here, I'll give you my number in case anything happens."

He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, writing his phone number down. He finished and folded it, handing it to me.

I frowned. "Thanks Mike. I have a feeling this wedding thing between me and Chris isn't going to last long....."

"Well I hope so because I really want you back." He smiled and stroked my hair. I smiled back as we walked back in to the room. I followed Mike and sat down at their table. I was talking with Sean and Layne as I spotted Chris. He had a girl on his hips giving him a lap dance. My jaw dropped to the floor in anger and disgust. Mike noticed and looked in the direction I was looking.

He started to stand up but I stopped him. "Mike please. I'll handle this. I'll be right back, and then let's get the flying fuck out of here. He swallowed hard, kissed me and sat back down, eyeing my every move as I made my way over to Chris. I felt more confident that Mike was watching me in case he had to jump in at the knick of time.

I walked over to Chris and his head was lulled back against the back of the couch in pleasure. I cleared my throat as his head shot up in shock and awe.

I put a hand on my hip as I spoke. "Nice way of ruining a wedding of YOUR OWN. I can't believe you Chris. Goodbye you worthless piece of shit." I sassed as I walked away. I heard cries of "Erin wait!" Behind me, but simply ignored them. Mike nodded his head as I sighed in relief. Sean, Jerry, Layne, and Mike were all stood up, looking at me, ready to go.

"I'm guessing you heard?" I questioned the three. They all nodded and Jerry frowned sympathetically and happily. As we walked out, I stripped off the parts of my dress that I could, leaving them on the ground behind me, never looking back. Mike had his arm around me as we walked to the car.

Layne patted me on the back. "Good to have you back kiddo." He said with a goofy smile, laughing a bit.

I smiled and chuckled, putting my arms around Mike's and Layne's shoulders. "It's good to be back."

A\N: Yah so that just happened. YEET. Okey so all that's left of this storey is ze epilogue. :(


^FAT LAYNE FOR JACKI @wacksterjackster ^

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