chap 12

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That night after dinner, me and chris stood up while everyone was still at the table. Chris cleared his throat and put his arm around me. Everyone looked our way. "Me and Erin have some exciting news.....We're gonna be parents and you guys are all gonna be uncles!" Everyone sat there in shock and excitement. It was a delayed reaction, but a few seconds later when they processed it, they stood up and cheered. Everyone except Corey. He smashed his hands on the table, stood up, and stormed off. "Whats with him?" Clown asked. I just shrugged. I pulled on Chris's arm while the guys were still congratulating him. He knew what I had to do and nodded. I ran upstairs to Corey's room and knocked. I felt like a parent knocking on their kid's door to see if they're okay. "Corey? Can we talk?" "It's open." He said glumly. I opened the door and frowned at him. "Hey." He said quietly, staring at the floor. I sat down next to him on the bed. "You have no idea how sorry I am Corey." I said, shaking my head in shame. "It's okay Erin. I overreacted last night. I'm sorry. I'm so happy for you Erin. In fact, we should have a party!" He smiled a sincere smile. "So, we buddies?" I asked, rubbing his back. He nodded."of course, as long as I'm uncle No. 1!" I chuckled. "I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do." I paused and stood up. "I should go find Chris." Corey nodded and said,"Okay. I'll definitely talk to the guys about that party!" He winked at me and closed the door as I rolled my eyes. I raised my eyebrows as a wave of relief came over me. I let out a sigh, knowing everything was okay between me & Corey. I found Chris in the lounge area with Sid, Mick, and Paul. Mick stood up and clapped his hands. "Okay idiots," he said, addressing the house, "in celebration for Chris and Erin, we're going to guitar center. Buy whatever you guys want, it's on me! Let's go faggots!" Mick shouted while walking out the door. All nine guys and I walked outside towards the huge Chevy Suburban SUV. "I'm driving!" Mick shouted. "I call fucking shotgun!" Sid yelled, bolting to the other side of the car. "Jesus Sid, you're gonna scream my ears off!" Jim shouted, holding his ears. Everyone laughed. I had to squeeze in the back with Corey, Chris,and Craig. Jim, Paul, and Joey were sitting in the middle. Mick was driving, and Sid, of course, rode shot gun. Alice in Chains was playing on the radio. About 20 minutes later, we arrived. Sid literally ran in the store ahead of us and went to the "electronic instruments" section. Mick and Jim went to guitars and amplifiers. Clown and Joey went to the drumming section. As we were gazing up at the guitars, Chris asked me, "Do you play any instruments?" I nodded. "Yup, guitar. Ever since I was thirteen." Chris nodded. "Do you want a new one? One you'll keep forever?" I nodded and said, "Yeah!" Enthusiastically. "Pick one out." He said and smiled. I picked out a blue Gibson for $2000. It was beautiful. I couldn't stop drooling over it. Me and Chris went to the checkout. "Mick! Gimme your goddamn credit card!" Chris yelled. I laughed. I also got a hard guitar case for it. "Let's go fuckers!" Mick said,and we all walked out of the store like the squad we were. On the way home, Corey broke the silence. "Guys, I thought it'd be a good idea to throw Erin and Chris a party. Maybe tomorrow night? We can invite all of our famous friends and Erin can meet some more of her idols?" Shawn nodded. "Sounds like a good idea."

A\N: HELLO PEOPLE! Lol I'm in a good mood. Anyone here like\love Alice in chains? If so, who is your favorite band member or Song?

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