Chap 9

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He looked up from his drums and took his headphones off. He gave a weak smile when he saw me. I sighed.
"Chris, I'm really sorry. I-I didnt mean to, it's just, Corey's so tempting sometimes." He got up and came over to me, standing inches from my face. He looked at me. "Erin, it's okay. I know, heat of the moment right?" I nodded and slid my arms around his chest. "But don't think I forgot where we left off." I looked at him seductively. He grinned. He picked m up and slammed me against the wall, kissing me needingly. He started kissing my neck and biting my bottom lip occasionally. "Damn woman," he said in between heavy breaths, "what do you do to me?" He bit the bottom of my neck, leaving his mark. I gasped and smiled. "I need you. I'm going to fuck you on this wall." I smirked. "I'm yours Fehn." He stopped for a minute and looked me in the eyes. "If we're gonna do this, you need to promise me something," I nodded,"you can't let anyone know we did this. Especially Corey. I love you, and we're doing it for our love. You can't cheat on me with Corey."
How was I going to tell Corey we can't be together anymore? "What about Corey? He thinks we have a thing now." Chris thought for a moment, still holding me in place against the wall. "Just don't mention anything, and I know it's hard, but avoid sex at all times." "Yes, Daddy." I grinned, as did he. He pressed his body fully against me so I could feel the rocket in his pants. (Lol). He was really turned on. He continued kissing me eagerly. "Fuck, I need you. I need you now." He said, breathing hot breath against my shoulder. "I'm..... Im yours." I moaned. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the bed and laid down on top of me, never breaking the kiss. He stopped so we could pull our shirts off. He stripped his pants off, exposing a clear bulge in his boxers. He pulled off my sweatpants and underwear. Knowing he had the opportunity, he grinded his member against me. I was so horny. "Chris...!" I moaned. He grinded harder and deeper. "Ooh I like how you moan my name. Do it again." He ordered seductively. He leaned down, not stopping, and bit my neck a second time. "Chris!" I moaned louder. I hoped Corey wouldn't hear. Chris chuckled. "Okay I can't take it anymore. I'm going to screw you senseless!" He rolled on his side and took his boxers off. He was like a hungry wolf. "!" He Slid into me and let out a sexy grunt. I groaned. "Chris, faster!" He went faster and faster and faster. He growled and huffed with each stroke. It was so sexy. "Fuck!" He cursed, not stopping. "I'm going to-" I cut him off. "Do it Chris! Let it out!" He reached his climax as I felt his fluids being released in me. He collapsed on me, panting. I giggled and he smiled. When he had enough strength, he pulled out and fell beside me. We turned our heads towards each other and stared blissfully into each other's eyes. He broke the silence. "I love you Erin." I smiled, I was the happiest person ever., "I love you too, Chris. I really do." After laying in each other's arms for awhile, someone called from downstairs. "Guys! Dinner's fucking ready!" Jim called from downstairs. We looked at each other and said,"Shit." We got dressed as quickly as possible. We walked out the door together as Sid gave us a weird look. We walked to the kitchen, as if nothing happened. When I saw Corey, he acknowledged me and did not look happy.

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