Chapter 5

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I awoke to being tapped on the shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Corey standing there, grinning.

"You're up." He smiled and sat down next to me as I started to get into a sitting position. I sighed and smiled at him.

"Yup. What time is it?" I asked.

"One o clock PM." He responded.

I looked up and saw Paul and Sid sitting on the couch across from us. Chris came over, gave Corey a death glare, sat next to me with a protective arm around me, and kissed me on the neck. I smirked at him. Corey did not look happy. We were moving.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Back home to Iowa!" Sid said excitedly.

"Oh cool. I've never been there before. I'll get to see where you guys grew up! Who am I staying with?"

"Actually, with all of us!" Corey said, smiling.

"Oh awesome!"

My dreams were slowly coming true. I was going to live in the same house as my idols! I'd get to wake up in the morning and see my idols in their underwear.

The bus pulled up in front of a gigantic mansion. It was a very light gold\silver color. It had two staircases leading up to double doors on the landing beyond the stairs.

"This is awesome!" I yelled, still drooling over the house in front of me. All the guys smirked in agreement, even Craig.

"Well, what're you waiting for? Go in!" Corey said, giving me a nudge to go inside. I flung the doors open with excitement. Inside was a huge staircase leading up to 9 bedrooms (with master bathrooms in each), and in the basement is a recording studio & music room.

All the guys bolted downstairs like kids i n a candy store. I stood at the landing of the basement stairs and looked around in astonishment. I've never seen anything like this house. "This could work." I said aloud, with a smirk on my face.

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