Chap 17

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"Chris?!?!" I couldn't move. What is he doing here? How'd he find me?

"What? I can't pay my old "wife" a visit?" He snickered.

His face twisted into anger. "HOW COULD YOU?! YOU FUCKING DESTROYED MY CHILD BITCH!" He punched me in the gut and I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach. He then proceeded to kick me repeatedly.

"Chris.....Chris stop!" I managed to yell.

"NO! THIS IS PAYBACK FOR NOT ONLY DESTROYING MY CHILD, BUT LEAVING ME!" He kicked again. I groaned in pain. I began to cough and wheeze for breath. I heard the door open. "Thank God." I thought. I was till doubled over in pain on the ground.

"Hey.... we're back-" I saw Mike in the doorway, the other three behind him. Mike's mouth was on the floor. He looked at me then to Chris. He pushed Chris against the wall, holding him in place. He didn't look it, but he was stronger than Chris. Mike punched him straight in the face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Messing with my girlfriend?!", Another punch," You faggot!" Mike punched him again, this time sending him flying into the bookcase. He looked back at me, anger driven. "You okay babe?" He asked and wiped blood from his lip. I nodded.

Jerry and Layne came over to make sure I was okay. Slowly, they helped me up. They were still fighting. I've never had anyone fight for me like this. Chris and Mike threw numerous punches at each other. Chris shoved Mike, but Mike shoved harder. He sent Chris flying to the floor. Mike's hand was bleeding from the punching. He looked down at it and winced in pain.

"Sean call the police!" Sean nodded and ran to the kitchen. About twenty seconds later, he sprinted back in. "They're on their way!"

As Chris was on the floor in pain, Mike kept kicking him. Jerry pried him off Chris.

"That'll teach you not to mess with me or HER!" As he was being pulled away, he spit blood on him.

"Alright! Alright!" Jerry yelled.

The cops came through the door not even ten seconds later.


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