Chap 16

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I stomped down the stairs, knowing my objective. When I got to the living room, I saw Jerry, Layne, & Sean right where we left them. I left Mike upstairs to play bass. All eyes were on me as I stood on the landing of the stairs. I needed to get Layne alone to talk, since I knew the other two were either
drunk or stoned.

"Um....Can I talk to Layne? Like, alone?" I said awkwardly.

Jerry and Sean gave each other weird looks and shrugged, getting up from the couch. I gave Layne a warm smile and sat down next to him.

"Layne... we need to talk."

"Okay, about what?" He asked.

"Mike told me about your problem. And I'm not a slut like Jerry said. I know you don't know me, but I want to help you get sober, Layne. You've always been one of my idols, and I couldn't bear to see you die."

Layne rolled his eyes. "I've been to rehab fucking 13 times, it doesn't do shit."

"Well, all I know is you need help. And if rehab won't work, I'm watching you like a hawk from now on okay?"

Layne sighed, looking at the floor, knowing I was right.


The rest of the guys came downstairs, including Mike.

"We're going out." Jerry announced, muttering something to Sean and laughing hysterically. They're so stoned. Layne got up from the couch.

"Wanna come?" Mike asked.

"No thanks, I should get some rest. I really need to change too. You got any spare clothes I can use right now?" I asked Mike.

"Sure babe, pick any t shirt and bottoms you want from my dresser!"

"We'll be back around 10!" Sean shouted from the kitchen. I'm fuckin hungry! I haven't eaten in about two days. I grabbed an apple and chomped it down, jogging upstairs to Mike's room. I opened the top drawer and saw a box of condoms, boxers, and socks.

"Oh Mike....." I said aloud, shaking my head. I chose his "Fucking Hostile" Pantera shirt and gray sweat pants. I started downstairs when I heard the front door open.

"Back so soon!?" I yelled, jogging down the stairs.

My jaw dropped when I saw who was in the doorway.

A\N: OOOOOH WHO DO U GUYS THINK IT IS? You can't really see it in the picture, but that's the pantera shirt I was talking about.

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