Chap 33

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^Corey sleeping just because- Layne is hot asf in that vid^
*2 Months Later-Wedding day*

Well, today's the day. Today's the day I vow to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life through sick and poor, and happiness and wealth. I put my dress on and Stacy and Brenna helped me do my hair. I haven't seen Chris in two hours. You know, the tradition of not seeing the spouse before the ceremony.

One of the church people came in the room and informed me, "It's almost time, so get ready!"

I was getting so nervous. "Relax. You'll be fine." Brenna and Stacy reasured me. They were right. This is going to be perfect. All of slipknot, Alice in Chains, Pantera, Megadeth and Metallica are here. This is a the best possible dream come true. We decided since my father was not invited, Corey would walk me down the aisle.

About ten minutes later, me, Brenna and Stacy walked towards the doors of the church. Brenna and Stacy went ahead to the altar as I walked through the doors and greeted Corey just inside. It was perfect. Chris was waiting at the altar with an award winning smile on his face, alice in chains, metallica, Megadeth and pantera were all stood up in the first three rows. All eyes were on me and Corey. He held out his left arm for me to take, and I did. I have the biggest goofiest smile on my face. As me and Corey walked down the aisle, I saw everyone smiling at me, even Mike Starr. I gave him a small but warm smile as I passed him and he winked at me. I giggled inside. What a dork.

Corey and I got to the altar and he kissed my cheek as he gave me away to Chris. I stood facing Chris and we held hands with the dumbest smiles on our faces. We both giggled silently.

The priest spoke. "Please be seated." He said as he held his hands in the air. Everyone did exactly that and the priest went through all his sayings that a priest says when people get married.

He finally got to the part. (Idk if this is how it goes.) "Erin Macanga, do you take Chris to be your lawful wedded husband through sickness and health, through wealth and the poor?"

"I do." I said with a smile.

"And Christopher Fehn, do you take Erin to be your lawful wedded wife through sickness and health, through wealth and the poor?"

"I do."

"If anyone has any reason that these two cannot be together for eternity, please speak now, or forever hold your peace."


"Alright, you may now kiss the bride!"

And Chris did exactly that. He even dipped me. Everyone stood up crying and cheering. After we parted our lips, me and Chris ran down the aisle, out the doors as people were waiting outside and throwing rice on us, and into the black limo. We both looked at each other and exhaled, followed by goofy laughing.

We went to the after party, (which was ten minutes away) with everyone following behind us in their cars.

We pulled into the place and the parking lot was huge. Numerous parking spots were being taken as black and white SUVs pulled into them. I took off my veil and me and Chris walked in, with bunches of groups of people behind us.

A\N: Hello....sorry if this chapter was boring, but the after party is next! 😋😉

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