Chap 26

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Erin's POV
I finished packing for the tour. I'm so excited! But I'm even more excited to see Corey and the guys. It is also Mike's birthday, April fourth. I woke up extra early at 5 am this morning. We got on the road at about 8 am. We are still on the road and have a long day ahead of us.

"It's only 10 fucking am!?" Sean screamed, still exhausted and hung over.

"Sean shut the hell up. We have splitting headaches. We don't need your bitching at ten o' clock in the goddamn morning." Jerry groaned from the couch.

Mike was plucking along on his bass, Layne was listening to a Walkman and tapping his hands and fingers along to whatever song he's listening to. Sean and Jerry, well, they're dead with hang overs in their bunks. I still haven't told them about meeting Corey and the guys when we get into Iowa. I'm nervous. I'm afraid Mike will go apeshit and yell at me not to go. And it's "too dangerous. You can't trust them." BULLSHIT. I'm a woman and can protect myself. Not to mention fight my own battles. So yeah I'm terrified about telling them. I'll tell them when the time is right.

I sat next to Mike and he grinned at me. "Hey babe."

"Hey birthday boy." I smirked.

"How's it feel to be 22?"

"Not that different's cool I guess haha." He joked.

"Well it's cool you're playing on your birthday," He nodded in agreement, "hey I need to tell you something."


"Well, in a few weeks or so, when we get to Iowa, I'm going to go see Corey and the guys. Now I now you're probably hesitant about this, but trust me. Im a strong person and can fight my own battles. Don't worry about me babe." I said, patting his shoulder reassuringly.

"Okay...I trust you. I know you're strong and you'll be fine." He said with a warm smile.

"Thanks babe."

*Nine hours later (from here to the rest of the story is a true Story except for me being there lol)*
We finally fucking arrived at the palladium. FINALLY! Only took ten freaking hours. We met up with NIRVANA backstage after the show and they came back onto our bus with us to party i guess? I have no idea where Mike is at the moment. I'm hanging out with Dave Grohl & Krist Novoselic from NIRVANA. We're currently sitting on the couches in the front of the bus and getting to know each other. Dave is a cool guy and so is Krist. Dave is bragging about how he can not only play drums, but GUITAR TOO! Ooh so talented Dave. Lol. We were talking for about 15 minutes before we heard screaming and shouting coming from the back of the bus. Layne came running out into the lounge area where we are and he had a worried and scared look on his face.

"Layne what's wrong?" I questioned.

"T-There's something wrong with M-Mike. C-Come quick." He stammered. I looked at dave and krist and they shrugged. I ran to the back of the bus and what I saw almost killed me. This rush of worry and heartbreak filled me. Mike was laying dead on the floor.

I ran over to him, crying. "Mike!!!! Mike!!! What the fuck happened?!" I asked, looking at KURT and Layne angrily.

"We may have given him too much..." Kurt drifted off.

"TOO MUCH WHAT?!?" I demanded, getting angrier by the second.

Layne looked at me with sadness and guilt in his eyes." H-Heroin....". And with that, I started bawling my eyes out.

Layne and Kurt started giving him CPR. "Mike...c'mon Mike. Don't die man." Mike lay breathless and cold, not moving a muscle. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips possibly for the last time. Now both me & Layne were crying hysterically. After about 5 minutes of giving him CPR, his eyes shot open.

"Mike!" I gasped.

Mike's POV
I woke up and I saw Kurt, Layne, & Erin. The last thing I remember is collapsing on the ground and everything went black. The first thing I saw was Erin and Layne crying hysterically. I held myself up on my elbows.

"What happened?" I asked groggily, as if I just woke up. They just stared in shock, sadness, and relief.

"You were dead for about four minutes Mike."

A\N: so yeah the story about Mike dying is true. I tried to copy it as much as it was when It happened. Ex: them being on tour with NIRVANA and being on the bus with Kurt.

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