Chap 14

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I woke up about 30 minutes later and Mike wasn't in sight. I guess I had passed out from all the blood loss. I'm in the bathroom in mine and Chris's room. The door was closed and I heard loud shouting behind it.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER MOTHERFUCKER!" A muffled voice yelled. It sounded like Chris. I quietly opened the door and they didn't hear.

"I DIDN'T DO SHIT TO HER! AT LEAST I CARE ABOUT HER MORE THAN YOU!" It was Mike. A wave of relief came over me. Mike pushed Chris hard and Chris flew against the wall. This wasn't going to end well. Chris looked like he was going to kill Mike any second. I wasn't about to let him do that. And in that moment, I no longer loved Chris, but Mike. I felt the need to run and protect him. And that's what I did. I ran in between them and put up my arms so Chris couldn't swing.

"Stop! Look Chris, I guess you found out and you're not too happy?" Chris was fuming.


I got up in his face and shouted. "HE DIDN'T DO SHIT CHRIS! IT HAPPENED OUT OF NOWHERE!"

Chris scoffed like he didn't believe me.

"Oh sass huh? I'm leaving, I'm done with this shit!" I took my guitar and grabbed Mike's hand, leading him out the door. I could hear Chris punching his bedroom walls in fury. I walked downstairs, grabbed the little things that I had, and out we went. Sid tried to stop me on the way out, but I pushed him out of my way.

I was holding Mike's hand while tears were forming in my eyes. There were drunk faggots all over the front lawn. I stopped and turned around, hugging Mike. He gripped me with his strong arms in response while stroking my hair.

"Shhh.....Shhh... It's okay. Let's go to my place and we can continue this okay?" He pulled away and looked at me. I nodded, trying to stop crying. He lead me to his white and black Jeep and we both got in. I got into the passenger side and as he was driving, I couldn't focus on the road anymore. I drifted off to sleep and let darkness overcome me. I woke up to the feeling of movement. Mike was carrying me in his arms bridal style, towards a pretty big house. I lifted my head up to look, but it immediately fell back down against his chest. Acknowledging I was awake, he set me down on the floor when we got in the door. It was dark and he put his fingers to his lips for me to be quiet. I nodded as he motioned for me to follow him upstairs. In the hallway, we passed doors that had the sound of snoring coming from them. He lead to what I guessed was his room. He opened the door for me and gestured for me to go inside. I did so as he shut the door and I sat on the bed, taking my shoes off. He took his boots off and removed his hat and bandana. He let his long curly hair flow freely onto his back. He came over and lied down on the bed next to me.

"So, where should we begin?" He asked. I chuckled, not knowing where to start.

"Well," I started, " It started when I went to a slipknot show about a week ago. I had backstage passes and Corey more or less tried to rape me, but was stopped thankfully. Corey asked Jim root if I could come with them back to Iowa. I agreed. Chris tried to rape me also. But, I was in love with him, not Corey. When we got to the house, me ad Corey "did it", then I went behind his back and cheated on him with Chris. Corey found out, we had a fight. Turns out Chris got me pregnant. So, we broke the news to the guys, and they decided we should have a party. And well I think you know the rest."

He nodded. I cuddled up against him and we snuggled. I felt safe for the first time in my life. He started playing with my hair, them broke the silence.

"I'm sorry you lost your child, Erin. But I have to tell you something," He paused, " I protected you because I love you. When I met you tonight, I knew you're the one for me. I've never felt so in love before." I started rubbing his chest with my hand.

"I have something to confess too, then. Michael, I've never felt safer with anyone in my whole life. I know whether we're out on the streets or the richest people in the world, you'll be there for me, and I'll be there for you."

He rubbed my shoulder with his thumb and his arm around me.

"I love you so much Mike. It's not the fake love I felt with Corey. This is sincere love." I kissed his hand.

"You mean the world to me. I'll never let anyone hurt you." He kissed my hand. After cuddling for awhile, we fell asleep in each other's arms.


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