Chap 19

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I woke up early the next morning next to Mike. I thought for a moment about what happened last night. I smirked, remembering it. Since I was practically butt-naked, I went over to Mike's dresser for clothes. I chose his "Fuck happens" T-shirt and black shorts. Hehe I love that shirt.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and found Sean making eggs and bacon in only boxers. I must was quite a sight.

He turned around. "Oh hey!" He chuckled slightly,"enjoying the view?"

I laughed."Sure!" I said sarcastically. He turned back around, smirking. I turned away, blushing. He smirked again and turned around, continuing his cooking. I broke the awkward silence.

"So, where's everyone else? Still sleeping?"

"Yeah...those lazy ass fucktards sleep in late," he shook his head,"I'm an early riser. Always have, always will."

"Ah." I sat down at the island and Sean brought over a plate of eggs and bacon.

"Thanks." I said and smiled. He smirked and nodded.

This isnt even real life. I'm sitting in the house of my inspirations, eating breakfast at their table. I've slept with Mike fucking Starr. He's my goddamn boyfriend for crying out loud! Never in a million years did I think it this would happen.

I was broken from my train of thought when a pair of strong hands gripped my hips. Along with it, I felt a head nuzzling in the nape of my neck. I smirked. It didn't feel like Mike though... I turned around in the stool and saw Sean with a warm, reassuring smile on his face.

I frowned slightly. "What're you doing Sean?"

He turned away for a moment and smirked. "Ever since you came here, I've been in love with you. Mike isn't a good person to be with, Erin. He has....problems."


"He just isn't good...I am though." He whispered seductively in my ear. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I didn't hesitate. It soon turned to a full on make out session. He picked me up like I weighed nothing and sat me on the island table. His body was in between my legs so I could feel his hard on. His hands were still stuck to my hips. I cupped my hands around his face as we kissed. He lifted up my shirt and I realized this was wrong. It felt so right though. I didn't want to stop, but I had to. I couldn't do this to Mike. I stopped him by putting a hand on his bare chest.

"Sean... I can't. Trust me, I'd love to, but I'm with your best friend." I said carefully.

"I get it...but just know, I will always love you. If it doesn't work out with Mike, I'll be here waiting for you. I will never let anyone hurt you. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks Sean." I gave a warm smile.

"No problem." He kissed my forehead and stroked my hair before he placed me on the floor. I jogged back upstairs to my boyfriend's room. There, in front of my eyes, stood the most petrifying thing I've ever seen.


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