Chap 24

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"I call the blue one!" Sean screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Fuck! I wanted the blue one!" Jerry screamed and pushed Sean. They started fighting like sissies.

"Guys c'mon no fighting! We're celebrating!" Layne yelled.

The go karts were lined up in pairs. I got in a green one, next to Mike of course. Layne was next to Jerry and Sean was in the back. Luckily, the place was basically empty so it was just us. We glared at the stop light and it flashed green. The engines revved around each other as we raced.

We all had smiles across our faces as we tried to get past each other.

I bumped into Mike. "Hey!"

I grinned guiltily. "Oops...."

Mike smirked and bumped me back. We went around a sharp turn and under an overpass. Sean was so far behind it's not even funny.

"Sean you're such a slow poke!" Layne yelled over the noise.

"Shut up dickweed!" Sean shot back as Layne laughed. Somehow, Jerry passed us.

"Jerry you jackass!" Mike hollered. He stepped on the gas and bumped into the back of Jerry's kart.

"What the fuck dude!"

"Karma's a bitch isn't it bro?!" Jerry just smirked and shook his head. Sean STILL hadn't caught up. Layne hit the back of my kart. I turned around with my hands still on the wheel and shot him an evil look.

Layne tried to act innocent but of course, failed. "What?! That wasn't me!"

"Yeah sure!"

After about ten minutes of driving, we had to stop. We parked the karts next to each other, just as we found them. We each jumped out of our karts and ran towards the exit, and to the car.

"Where to next dudes?" Sean asked, starting the car.

"Yo can we go to the mall? I need ! more clothes for the tour." I asked.

"Yo got it ma'am." Sean responded, driving away and heading for the mall.

A\N: hey guys sorry this chapter's kinda short. I have a big event that should happen in the next chapter or two. It's based on something actually happened.....NO SPOILERS SORRY!!! HAHAHAHAHA

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