Chapter 2

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I began to panic. "Corey what're you doing!?"

He put his arms on the couch behind me , trapping me in place. He looked at me with lust in his eyes.

His eyes trailed up and down my body. "You're very beautiful."

He wet his lips as he looked at me deliciously. "Corey, I-" but before I could say anything else, he kissed me full on my mouth. He began to lift up my shirt when the door opened and he flew off of me.

Jim stood in the doorway. "Oh was I interrupting something?" He said awkwardly.

"Nah, it's fine Jimbo. I was just talking to Erin here." Corey smiled at me.

"OK well we gotta head out." Jim said.

"Okay, can Erin come?" Corey asked.

"Eh... I guess. If it's okay with her family." I laughed inside. I didn't care. What've I got to lose?

"Sure! My dad is very hard on me. What've I got to lose?" I smiled.

"Great!" Corey smiled as I followed him out. When we got on the bus, Corey announced I was going to be staying with them.

"Okay everyone, I know you've all met Erin." Everyone nodded their heads in unison.

"She's coming on tour with us!" He announced excitedly. Everyone cheered. Sid got up to hug me and picked me up off the ground.

As he squeezed me, he said,"yay! I've always wanted a little sister!" Everyone laughed including me.

"Sid! Lemme down!" I yelled as a struggled to get out of his grip. I felt him shake his head. I laughed. Life would surely be different living with them....

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