Chapter One

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To anyone who dares read this work: I wrote this when I was literally 14. Understand that please I know my writing was shit if you want better look to my new works, but don't comments about the quality of the work. Thank you and with much love (I'm also altering this fic very slowly) Kenny
Percy couldn't help but feel lost now that the war was over. It seemed like the world was moving on without him; his mom was married, the camps united, and no war was brewing. He was still having night terrors about the fall with Annabeth. And as much as he didn't want to admit it he needed a break so Percy was going to do the only thing that he have never done before; run. He just knew deep in his bones that he had to get away to his aunt and cousins. Just get away. Away from it all. Annabeth wasn't not going with him. She only offered him a slight smile and told him he needed to face this alone, but to IM her and keep safe. As well as she may come and visit if need be.

Soon, Percy was saying his goodbyes and get to packing. It was kind of bitter sweet in a way, they threw a party for him with blue cake.

Percy knew he was walking away from his home, family, and safe hold. As he waved his hand in farewell one last time he swore he would return.

As he walked up to the house, Percy take a deep breath and gather his courage to ring the bell. Truthfully, he haven't seem Scott in years. Scott was from his life before Greek Gods destroyed his sense of normality. He was 11 the last time he was his cousin. Man, how things have changed. Percy saw the world as so much bigger now. Filled with Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse gods. Perhaps even others too. Not once during his childhood would he have thought his life would have took such a turn, but shit happens. Percy had learned that you have to fight to survive.

He knocked and as if on cue his Aunt Melissa answered the door almost immediately. Percy was ushered into the house and pulled close by his aunt. Over her shoulder he saw that Stiles, Scott, and a red head were sitting floor studying.

"Get up and say hello to your cousin" Percy aunt called to her son after she let go of her nephew. Percy only could smirk as he watched his vision crawl off the floor. Soon he was up picking his way through papers.

Scott had a puppy dog grin on his face as he shook Percy's hand with a tight grip. It was stronger than last time but then years the past. Percy had changed so has he apparently. He no longer the Scottyboy, Percy remember. "Nice to see you again" Percy said fondly as the other boy pulled him into a hug.

Percy grinned after the hug was over and called out to his cousins childhood best friend, "Hi, Stiles what's up? Long time no see." Percy remember Scott's friend who's obviously ADHD. He took a deep breath and couldn't help but think it was good to see them again.

Percy then turned the redhead thinking she was pretty but she had nothing on his Annabeth. And with a deep pang he couldn't contain how much he missed his girlfriend already.

The red headed girl looked over him with a calculated eye before answering, "I'm Lydia and you may call me as such."

Before Percy could say much more Melissa interrupted, "Hey you can go and get set up the guest bedroom. I'm sorry I can't stay to help you set up but have to go to work soon. If you need anything I'm sure the boys would be more than willing to help."

Percy smiled at the women softly noticing the the lines that now lined her face. He knew how she worked to support her son after his father had left. "It's okay, I understand. Thank you so much for letting me stay here"

She Casper him on the shoulder fondly, "No problem from what little your mother told me you needed like a break," before heading out.

Percy headed up to the bedroom he would be staying in after sittting with the other teens for a bit and soon fell asleep. Luckily a dreamless sleep.

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