Chapter 16

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Scotts pov

I woke up to a dark room, my muscles ache and my wounds are still healing themselves. I thought hard but it didn't seem to make a difference, I could not find a way out. I looked at the walls as I felt along the walls it was they were nothing but a little slimy! One dim flickering light bulb hanging from the ceiling. As soon as I sat back down the temperature seem to drop again!

I hear great thundering footsteps coming my way, and a deep laugh, taunting me, "You're a little wolfy  here little wolfy", the the monstrous creature called.

I feel the chill run down my spine. Knowing that it was going to take them a while to find me! But I was not going to give up I was in a fight I am the Alpha! As it's a great frame into the doorway I sat back on my hunches in an attack a position, I was ready!

It's heavy voice boomed "I am the Manticore and you will not gain your freedom!"

Then a dark man walked in behind the hideous creature this man was even worse I could tell! Smelled of  darkness and doom! This was a man to be feared he was the enemy! I hope personally that Percy would know this man and would be friends with him, or could stop him! Just from the aurora around him and I knew he was gonna be hard to beat, he was powerful, and had many minions. Plus probably a sinister plan to go along with it!

Trying to sound tough I fired back "Who are you?" with a growl!

But the man just smirked and answered back with, "Nobody good, but the real question is Who are you?"

And with that the temperature dropped even more. Before that the creature growled again and with that the man turned and exited the door that he had came from.

The slamming of the door boomed throughout the chambers in which I was held. I listened, it sounded it is if there was a trickle of water and cars all of a sudden the whole camber shook!

From what I could tell there was a train station near by along with a road and maybe a stream and from the damp, darkness we were under ground!

I looked down at myself for the first time to see that I still had all my clothes at least, I checked my pockets to see if they had took on my phone or anything else I may have had in there. As I emptied my pockets I still had my phone, I had a pack of gum, my wallet, and a small pocket knife. The pocket knife had strange symbols on it. And I remembered the Percy gave it to me and said that it would help me against monsters.

But for now I payed the most attention to my phone hoping I would have signal. I checked and I had just one bar barely but just enough to get a text out, along with that my phone also had 78% battery life left. So quickly I pulled up a text to Stiles hoping he was OK. As I pull it out I saw our last text as I asked him to meet me. Made me feel even guilty for a second before typing out

(Stiles) (Scott)

Help! In some place, dark, and by a railroad, also a stream or creek, had a road, and underground for what I can tell! Also a dark man with a powerful aura, also has minions one being a lion with the head of a man!!!! ••• --- ••• 

I then hit send and hoped for the best for a little while it looked like it wasn't going to send but it final did and before I knew it I heard a little ding!

Looked down and it was from Stiles,

The game is on

That idiot had been watching Sherlock Homes again! I smiled a little! I knew my friends were on the case! Great now he had me doing it!

Anyway, all I could do now was by them a little time! So I sat back planning, wow planning is harder that I thought! Then I had an idea!

How long had I been out! I looked down at my phone again to was Monday 5:30 pm. That means I had been out for about a whole day! I then turned my phone off and cuddled in to the corner. It's best to be prepared but I did need some sleep to help me heal and to be ready for a fight!

And with that I shut my eyes, but not before I heard a demented giggle.
I'm backkkkkkkkkkkk
Sorry for the wait! Anyway love you guys
Cj out

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