Chapter 4

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Percy had been staying with the McCall's when as Scott heading down the stairs Percy asked "Hey wanted to hangout this weekend I have saved up and got enough money to rent a cabin on the ocean? You can bring some of your friends."

Without even sparing the other boy a glace Scott replied sharply, "I can't got stuff to do sorry," before walking off. It was a full moon and Liam hasn't fully got control yet. Besides he wants to hang out by the stinky old ocean? No, thank you. Scott quickly gathered his things wrinkling his nose even thinking about it before heading out to visit his girlfriend. 

It wasn't until a few days later that Scott's mom asked him, "Hey, Scott where's Percy?" 

"He told me he was going to rent a cabin on the ocean this weekend. He invited me and the pack, but I decided not to go because of werewolf stuff and because it didn't sound like something me and the pack would want to do." Scott replied from his place on the couch were he had been texting Kira. 

"Scott!" She yelled "It's his birthday this weekend you could have at least said you all could hangout here!"

Scott was caught dumbfound, "Wait what?"

"Yes, his birthday and I was going to take the day off and bake a blue cake because that's what his mom said he liked!" Melissa relied throwing her hands in the air while looking  at her son. 

Scott as he was often was shocked. Percy hadn't told him it was his birthday after all. And he had important stuff to do, but he did ditch his cousin. Scott shook his head slightly mournfully, "Mom, I'm sorry I didn't think about what time of year it was."

She gave her son a reprising look before replying with her hands firmly on her hips, "It not me, you have to say sorry to. Do you think you can find the address to the cabin and we can go down and surprise him? Maybe make up for being so awful."

"Yeah, I think I can get the address and the pack together so we can go visit him and make amends." Scott hung his head giving his mother puppy eyes. Before quickly calling the pack and having them gather at the school.

Melissa and Scott got in the car and drove in silence. Throughout the ride she threw daggers with her eyes at the brown haired boy,  "How could you forget Percy birthday? I know he didn't talk about it or anything, but still. He's family."

"I don't know, I guess with the pack and everything I have just forgot he was here. I mean I hardly ever see him and we don't talk." Scott turned his head and looked out the window idly wondering, How could I forget? 

The mother and son rushed to pick up the pack before speeding off to the cabin were he was staying for the weekend. On the way they only got lost 3 times. Okay, maybe 7 times but hey google maps isn't all it's said to be these days. 

Scott sighed heavily when they reached the beach and after a quick second couldn't find his cousin anywhere. Stiles gave him a rather unimpressed look before elbowing him and pointing towards the ocean. There he was surfing like a pro. Having the time of his life. Scott looked sheepishly at his best friend before yelling, "Hey, Hey, Percy"

The darker haired boy looked up and yelled back, "What the Hades are you doing here?"

"What the how? And we are here for your birthday?"

Percy looked stunted for a moment before coming to shore, "Oh, okay I am coming" Scott couldn't help, but notice that the older boy got out of the water so easily that he had it look effortless.

"Thought you forgot?" Percy called teasingly. He had a wicked looking grin painted on his features and windswept hair. 

"I did, but my mom didn't" Scott smiled sheepishly.

He smiled and winked before replying,  "Thought so."

Scott stood before the other teen slightly nervously before asking with a slightly crooked smile, "So I heard that you like blue cake?" Percy's head shot up from were he had been closely studying the ground at their feet and within a second he took off in the direction of the cabin. Scott ran after him a smile splashed across his features. Man, I have never have thought that someone could love cake as much as that guy Scott thought ever so slightly to himself.

On the way the pack had rushed to the mall to all picked up small gifts. Stiles grinned at Peercy when handing him a shirt that said sarcastic comment loading now.

From Lydia he got a small glass bottle that said filled with real sand!

From Melissa he got a new skate board and said that it was from her, his mom and some guy named Paul.

Liam smiled sheepishly and handed the older boy chocolate bar.

From Kira he got a six pack of Coke and a pack of blue food dye. 

Finally Scott held out his gift of an owl keychain. Percy grinned and let out a giggle before hugging his cousin tightly. Percy grinned at them all and handed out thank you's like they were the greatest gifts he had ever gotten. 

After the pack had shared their gifts Melissa pulled out a big box.  She held it put to the boy with a smile  "Percy, this box says it to you from the seven and friends. Do you know them?" She asked as he took it from her hands. 

Percy laughing replied "You could say that." He took the box and ripped it open grinning as he pulled out each present.

From Leo a water proof phone (and monster proof) with a letter read "For all those under water selfie's." Percy laughed and exclaiming under his breathe, "I love that guy!"

From Jason a shirt that said I fell down a hole and survived. Liam let out a little whine and frowned, "Me too." Stiles quickly elbowed him.

From Piper a bunch of sea shells from all over the world. With a letter that read "For all the places we need to visit."

Next he pulled out a black tee shirt and a first aid kit from Will and Nico. He smiled at them before reaching in again. From Frank a Nemo pushie and DVD which he promptly put on his shoulder like a parrot. 

Also from Hazel a skateboarding  helmet with a blue mohawk and a note that said for all your falls.

From Chinion a small clay bead with the seven small symbols on it. Because just because he was gone from camp didn't mean he wasn't still their hero.

He pulled out a watch that and said it was from Tyson. It looked like a replica of the one his brother had made for him before.

Percy smiled softly as he pulled out a small water fountain that saying it was from his dad. Next the son of the sea pulled out a Whoopie cushion and said that it was from the Strolls.

He pulled out a red hat that said Perssy. He giggled and thought of the big Ares girl  hand embroidering it 

He fell silent as he pulled out a book and a letter but he didn't read the letter. He put it in the book and pulled out the last three things in the box.

A small tree that said from Grover.

A lighting bolt mini figure that had a note that read Sorry for this dam excuse for a gift Kelpface from a Thalia.

Last he pulled out a small statue that was hand design. He said it was from a girl named Annabeth before quietly adding so was the book and letter for before.

He then thanked them all once more and then they all ate cake. It was a good day.

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