Chapter 30 and Epilogue

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Percy's pov.
I got a call. I went outside and that's when my life I want to pieces. I answered call the voice on the other line said, "Are you Percy Jackson, son of Sally Jackson?"

"Yes" I answered.

"Sir, we are sorry to inform you that your mother and her husband have been killed in a fatal car accident. If you could come to claim the bodies by that Sunday afternoon. That would be fantastic. Now, sir I know that this is hard, but the police have found your uncle. When you come to claim the bodies, we will call him so he can come and pick you up. He is now your legal guardian until you turn 18."

I gripped my phone tightly and chocked out, "What's... his... name?"

The lady said, "Let me look it up for you sir, please hold."

Then she came back on the line and said in a surprised tone, "The Tony Stark sir."

I whispered out a thank you and a goodbye before hanging up.

I fell to my knees and let out a sob that had been building. And that's when I heard a scream.

Drying my eyes and pulling my self to my feet. I feel my eyes were red when I walk in anyway.

Stiles pov.
I watch Percy walking. His eyes were red and first tears streaming down his face. His arms length other side. A lose, but death grips on his phone.

His eyes now completely broken now. His will gone. Annabeth stood and walked to him.

Then I heard her ask, "Who died?" It was in a caring tone.

He looked out into some unknown space. He then looked at her his broken eyes unfocused and fell to his knees. In a lump.

I looked at the young hero. Even after the battle he didn't seem this broken. I could stop myself from wander what had finally broken the brave, kind, fearless hero.

I heard him let out a sob and I barely stopped myself from crying too. I could feel the sadness in the air. The heartbreak. The pain.

I watched as Annebeth wrapped her arms around him and asked again, "Who died, Percy?" This time in a more demanding tone, but still caring and gentle.

Lydia looked at Percy with grief and sorrow and maybe even just a little bit of pity on her face. She stood and walked to the couple and I watched her put her hand on his shoulder and he let out a breath we didn't know he had been holding and then he said, "My mom and my stepdad." Ina tone that I will never forget. It was completely broken and completely lost. He then let out one more sob and said, "I... I.. I have to go live with my uncle."
To be continued in my books.....
Percy Jackson meets the Avengers!!!


The Fox and the Wolf.

I'm sorry sad that this book has come to an end. It has taught me a lot and it was in a sense my first love lol. It's the first fanfic that I have ever spent so much time thinking and feeling about. I hope you guys liked it and if you were here from beginning to end then thank you!

Thank you
Alexis, [ItTawa ] thank you girl you have helped me so much and I couldn't have done this without you!
You my first reader,
You my last reader,
You the person that's reading this and rolling your eyes,
Thank anyone that has ever commented and shared the love for any of my stories,
Thank you person that actually read this,
Thank you!
Your all amazing and I love you guys so much.
I have to say give me a coupe minutes of your time to start reading one of my stories and I will give you a hell of a ride.

As always
Love you guys so much
~Cj out

P.S I'm about in fothermucking tears writing this.

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