Chaper 6

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Time Skip to the start of school losers
Scotts POV

Today is the last first day of school ever! This school year was going to be awesome hopefully that is. In this town who knows what could happen?

When I woke up this morning I noticed this amazing smell coming from the kitchen. I just knew Mom had made something for breakfast and it was going to be good. I walked down the stairs and gave my mom hug before sitting down. I had my plate in front of me and my backpack ready. With my fork up and plate full I was about to dig in when I heard a thump and then a mumble. Percy came around the corner looking like he had been hit by a truck. Hair a mess, dried drool on his chin, in Nemo pajamas. He hug my mom and thank her sleepily before slipping in to the chair across from me.

He smiled at me before getting up and getting his food. He got his food and sat down. I looked down at my food and relished the fact that I had the last of the bacon. We look at each other one more time before digging in.

Soon I hear Stiles beeping his horn for us to hurry up. Percy ran down the stairs with his backpack in tow rushing to the jeep. I soon followed. We got to the school and Percy looked around at the school, the kids, everything and just froze for a second. "Scott why don't we show Percy the office" Stiles suggested see how he look.

He look up and smirked "That would be nice"

I smiled and started walking. Percy mumble something I didn't hear. We got to the office and he went in talk for a moment and came out with his schedule. He looked at it confused like it was a foreign language. I walked over and he had..
1 History
2 English
3 Eco
4 marine biology
5 PE
6 Free period
7 Math
8 Foreign language

We had the just about nothing the same

"We have History, PE, Lunch, and Math" I say

"Cool" he says holding it way from him as if it would bite.

"Same" Stiles says

We walk off to first period together and tell Percy how to get to each room.

We walk in and we sit close together. Kira comes in soon and sits beside me. Some after the teacher walks in.

"We have a new student this year his name is Perseus Jackson. Will he Stand up and tell us something about himself please" the teacher says. Percy stands up like asked and says
"Hi, just Percy will do" before sitting down.

The rest of class is uneventful. We don't see Percy until PE and there he gets dressed in the bathroom stall. Weird right.
Anyway we have to run because Coach had a stick up his butt today and Percy kept up with me which was weird because no one could do that. Stiles panted after the run "We need to talk to Deacon about him."
"I do believe so"
"Do you know! Mr. I am a werewolf alpha"
"Stiles" I said rolling my eyes, "Your just jealous that I can run super fast and have red glowing eyes."
"In your dreams dog breath"
"Who's a dog breath?" Percy asks running up.
"Me it appears"

The bell rings before I can say much more. We head to lunch and a lot of kids are pointing at Percy and whispering but I hear some of it like is that him? He did what? She did what? I couldn't help but become curious to what this was about. What did he do?
After we got our food a popular girl walked up to us in a highly inappropriate outfit. "Hi, Percy why you sitting with these losers?"

He doesn't even look up. "They are my friends."
"Oh, well you could come sit with me and maybe take me out to dinner later?"

"No thanks" he says looking up for the first time
"Well then I see that you have no taste"
"What is even your name? And of course I have taste that's why I am not hanging out with you! Plus your not my type." He shrugs
"Cassidy" she says stumping off angrily. He goes back to picking his food, but Stiles bust out laughing.
"You know she was your ticket to becoming popular right"

"Yeah so?" He says lifting an eye brow.
I reply "You don't care that we are different and stuff"
He shrugged "No really and she was a slut so no thank you" I just shook my head he was one weird kid. I will have to talk to Deedon to see if maybe he is my type of weird though. We all go back to eating and soon the rest of my friends and pack show up. But all to soon the bell rings and we all have to go separate ways.
Math is one of many forms of torture that is probably used in hell. I hate it and so does Percy I guess because by the end of class he looked like he was going to throw the book across the room. X = this! Y = that! It's stupid and point least. Percy raise his hand and asks "How will we use this in everyday life?" He had the nerve to ask the question we have all been wondering for years. It was great! After class we go to our last class for the day. It was okay, as soon as the bell rang I was on my bike on my way to Deetons. And the conversion went like this...
"Hey, Doc you have any idea what my cousin could be he smells powerful and like the ocean?"

"I may have an idea I will check on but I won't tell you until I am sure. If he does some thing weird or dangerous tell me!" He replies thoughtful.
----------------------------------------------Authors note
I am sorry for not updating but Scotts POV always suck so sorry and my phone is being stupid. UnKnown-KillJoy you and me are going to be in the next chapter for a quick second so keep your eye out! Love you guys.
Cj out

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