Chapter 29 :}

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Second two last chapter!!!

Scott pov.

I looked around Derek loft and smiled. This year sure as hell had been crazy, but it was good. Right now, Leo was showing everyone fire tricks. We had made new friends, and had lived through one crazy adventure. I hoped that one day I could  settle down with a family and tell the all about it. I want them to meet the pack and Percy's bunch. I told Percy and them that they were always welcome in the pack. If they need someone to help them fight then, we would be there for them to call. They in turn said that if we need them then they would be there for us. 

I looked around and saw my friends, no that's not right, my family sitting around talking with one another. I could fell the love in the room. I could feel how we may not be a family by blood, but a family by hardship. I looked and saw Parish with his arms around Lydia. It was kinda funny when Percy found out Parish was a hell hound. He felt that he to introduce him to Mrs. O'Leary. 

I saw that Derek had Stiles in his lap. They were talking softly. They still had a lot to talk about and work through. (In my book, The Fox and the Wolf! Coming soon!!!) 

I saw a puppy pile going on with all the others wolves. It made me laugh. I saw the seven in a pile of their own. That made me laugh harder. They were a funny bunch, but good people. They were telling the pack funny stories and other crazy things. 

I turned to Kira and my smile turned into a grin. I wrapped my arm around her and she laid her head on my chest. I was happy in that moment. 

We all sat and talked for a while, it wasn't to last, sadly, a cold breezes blown into the room. The air got tense. I knew that the goodbye was coming soon.Maybe Percy would leave, maybe he wouldn't. It didn't matter no matter what we would always find our way back to each other, because that's what family did. Or, at least what happens in a family like ours. A family like ours runs deeper than blood. 

I let this bitter sweet moment wash over me. I felt a wave of sadness  hit us all. I saw Percy slip out of the room. I held my breath hoping t would pass, but it didn't and then Lydia let out a scream. 


Sorry this is short...

To be continues in the last chapter and then continued in The Fox and the Wolf and Percy Jackson meets the Avengers. 

love you guys

~Cj ouyt

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