Chapter 19

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Scott's pov.
I sat in my cell in silence. I heard a bunch of footsteps running down the hall. I looked up at the door waiting for someone to come in but after the longest moment of my life some broke open the door I looked up to see none other than Mr. Percy Jackson and Mr. Derek Hale through the broken door.

I jumped up and we all took off running. I heard a demon like laugh and we all stopped not because of the laugh but because of the door at the end of the hall is shut. We check and it's it's locked.

I hear Derek mumble, "Shit."

I turn to Percy and he asked Derek, "Plan B?" 

Derek turned to him and shook his head yes.

They turned and ran the other way and I folllowed. They looked up at a vent and Derek reached up and pulled.  It came off with a loud creaking noise. Percy pulled himself up and started climbing through the shaft. I climbed in next, then after me Derek followed. While trying to put back on the vent cover.

We all started crawling through the dusty, cool, and hard to breathe in shaft. We continued on for a while and then Percy started to whistle '1985' by Bowling for Soup.

Me and Derek started to glare at him. He looked back at us with an innocent look and said, "What? It's catchy?!?"

I shook my head and said, "We are probably being chased by a bunch of killers and your singing '1984' while crawling through a dark, damp, tiny crawl space?"

He looked back at me sassily, "Why, yes I am Mister Debbie Downer!"

And that's when we fell out of the ceiling right into a dark and gloomy room that the villain of our story happens to be in.

He was smiling a creepy smile. He had the look of crazy all about his person.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that to bear/ tree like creature had him by the arms. He looked kinda dazed. And pushed him against the wall and I hear him grunt as the put him in shacks.

I looked to my left and saw them going the same thing to Derek. He looked a little more lively than Percy did and started to fight back but they had a good grip on him and they soon shackled him to the wall too.

Then the thought that I was going to be next came through my head and I started to get up but I guess they had already thought I might try something like this because as soon as I did one of the creatures hit me on the back of the head and my vision went in and out. The next thing I know the whole world is black.

•time skip•

I woke up and in the dim lighted room I saw that they had some torturing tools on a table by the door. I looked to my left to see Derek hanging on the wall with a thinking expression on his face. I turned to my right and saw Percy testing the strength of the cuffs.

I looked over to Derek and asked, "Find anyway out yet?"

He looked over at me and smiled a grim smile, "Glad to see your awake and nope not one idea."

I looked over at Percy and asked, "Having any luck with that?"

He looked over at me and said, "Nope, but I've been in worst situations."

I looked at the ceiling and thought to myself 'how could he had been in a worst situation'.

The next thing I know I hear Percy say, "Well this wasn't part of the plan!"
Hi, guys I updated! And thank you for all the reads and votes your all so amazing! P.S I drew the pic at the top!
Anyway love you guys!
~Cj out

Percy Jackson crossed with TeenWolfWhere stories live. Discover now