Chapter 3

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As Percy woke up the next morning he felt his eyes drawn up the the ceiling first. Quick thoughts raced through his head, "This was not my room! Or my cabin where am I?" as the panic began to take hold the answer finally came to him and Percy remembered he was at my cousin's house in Beacon Hill, California.

After the panic fully subsided he got dressed and walked downstairs smelling breakfast. Pancakes, sausage, bacon, of course, bacon. He flopped himself down into a chair and thanked his aunt for the delicious breakfast she had made before digging in. It was delicious. He smirked slightly to himself: now If only it was blue. It wasn't long before he heard Scott come thumping down the stairs.

Percy now awake and no panic left in his system asked good-naturedly, "What are you up to today?"

Scott still groggy from sleep answered answered the demigod, "I was going to hang out with Stiles and Kira today."

"Who's Kira?" Percy found himself asking curiously.

"My girlfriend," the other boy asked simply answered.

Percy finished with his breakfast sat back in his chair and with his signature smirk asked, "So what is there to do around this town?"

Scott wrinkled his nose, "Not much I'm afraid but you can come and join me day if you want. We can maybe drum up something to do."

"That would be cool. If you could show me around and help me get my schedule set up for the school year that would be amazing. If you don't mind that is?" Percy asked one eyebrow raised.

"Sure" Scott shrugged as he answered.

Aunt Melissa interrupted the boys from continuing waving the spatulate at them both and saying "You boys better be good," before throwing said spatulate in the sink and going to get ready for work.

Soon Scott finished up eating the rest of his breakfast, Percy heard Stiles honking his horn out front.

Scott gave Percy a crooked smile and joked, "We better get out there before he decide to drive off without us or his stupid jeep broke down again." Percy shook his head this sounds like its going to be a fun school year.

Percy noted that as the old jeep pulled up to her house she was already leaping out the door. Admittingly tripping on the last step before catching herself and rushing the rest of the way to the jeep. Scott smiled and looked up at her as she gave him a hug and a kiss.

When all of a sudden a sense of deja vu came over him when he saw the girls face clearly. Suddenly she looked up and a look of recognition feel over he features. with a large grin she exclaimed, "Percy?"

"The one and only," he answer back. Percy looked over he closely for a moment wondering where he had seen her before. Then as if a wave came over him, he remembered the mild-mannered girl. She went to Goode like he did. She was always a soft-spoken and sweet girl.

"Kira, is that you?" he asked with a goofy grin on his features.

"You bet and are you still blowing up bathrooms and causing fights?" she asked teasingly.

Percy's smile only widened and he laughed before shaking his head.

After that they drove to the park and Percy started telling Stiles and Scott how they had meet at school a couple of years ago. Over the day the four of them bonded.

Percy got a strange surge in his stomach as they headed back only for Scott say he had to talk to some of his friends and that he would see the other boy later and Percy realized that perhaps it was loneliness.

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