Chaper Five

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Percy POV
Before Birthday and anniversary.

I wanted to ask Scott to come down to the cabin with me, but I am thinking he will say no. He doesn't seem to like me much. I hear him coming. Well here goes nothing. "Hey want to hangout this weekend I have saved up and got enough money to rent a cabin on the ocean? You can bring some of your friends" I ask.

He seems to shift back and forth for a moment before answering.   "I can't got stuff to do sorry" He answers before walking off.

Well, if he can't go then I will go by myself!
Time skip to his birthday

I got ready to go and just left. It was Zeus worthy. How dramatic. I called Blackjack and we were on our way. I watched the sky fly by and couldn't help but think about my Wisegirl. Her beautiful blond hair, stunning grey eyes, never ending smarts, and of course her attitude. She put up with me and made me feel complete. I could fight and win without her and vise versa, but when she is beside me I feel like nothing can stand in our way. I miss her and all the seven. We became close on the trip. Don't get me wrong I miss Grover, Tyson, and all the others at camp, but I will see them soon. I know it.

Blackjack nudged me "Boss we're here. Got me my donuts? I sign and gave him his donuts and watched him fly back to camp.

"Bye" I yelled waving like a lunatic. I walked to the cabin it didn't  look like much, but I could smell the sea from here and it was calming. I made a small rainbow and asked for Annabeth.

She smiled at me when she answered. "Hi, Wisegirl"

"Happy anniversary Seaweed brain"

I sent you something"

"As did I" she answered.

I hear a 1 2 3 in the background and then see everyone jump out and yell "Happy Birthday"

I laughing and I said "Thanks guys"

Annabeth coughed and everyone cleared out. She smiled and said "Everyone sent you something"

"I can't wait to see you" I said smiling.

She frowned before saying " I got to go someone got hurt. See you soon love you lots."

I smile sadly and answer "I love you too"

I watch the message vanish. I go to the surf shop and resent a surfboard. I run in to the ocean and I feel power rush into me. I feel calm and at home.

After a while of surfing I got a hang of it and had a lot of fun. I hear in the distance a voice shout "Hey, Hey, Percy"

I looked up and yelled "What the Hades are you doing here?" After seeing it was Scott.

"What the how? And we are here for your birthday?" Scott answered.

What did I say? "Oh, okay I am coming"

I got out of the water.

"Thought you forgot?" I called. I smirk knowing he forgot

"I did, but my mom didn't" He saids back shyly.

I smiled and said "Thought so."

Look at him closely. Something was off about him. He put my nerves on high ever time he was around. 

"So I heard that you like blue cake?" He says breaking my thoughts apart. My head shoots up and I take off in the direction of the cabin. He runs after me. Man, I heard something about blue cake and I could help but lick my lips. I know it's not my moms but still. It's blue cake.

I got a shirt from Stiles that said sarcastic comment loading now. I loved it!

From Lydia I got a small glass bottle that said filled with real sand! Okay, okay it alright....

From my aunt I got a new skate board and she said that if was from her, Mom and Paul. Cool, even if I am a little mad at them for not inviting me to their wedding it was super awesome for them to get me a board.

From Liam I got a chocolate bar.

From Kira I got a six pack of Coke. I wish they were blue!

And from Scott I got a key chain with an owl on it. I had to laugh when Scott gave it to me. I miss my Wisegirl!

Next Aunt Melissa pulled out a big box.

"Percy, this box says it to you from the seven and friends. Do you know them?" She said.

I laughed and replied "You could say that." I took the box and ripped it open inside there was a bunch of stuff. I pulled it out and told them what was each thing was.

From Leo a water proof phone (and monster proof) with a letter read "for all those under water selfie's." Man, I love that guy a lot sometimes.

From Jason a shirt that said I fell down a hole and survived. He was going to get it when I get back for that one.

From Piper a bunch of sea shells from all over the world. With a letter that read "For all the places we need to visit." She put thought in to them I will have to give her a hug when I get back.

Next I pulled out a black tee shirt and a first aid kit from Will and Nico. Those guys make one cute couple. I was happy for them. I smiled at them before reaching in again.

Next from Frank a Nemo pushie and DVD. They were so cute it wasn't funny.

Also from Hazel a skateboard helmet and a note that said for all your falls.

From Chinion a small clay bead with the seven small symbols on it. It was these years camp beard and I would wear it proudly.

I pulled out a watch that said was from Tyson. My little brother had fixed my shield/watch. I wonder how him and Ella are doing?

I pulled out a small water fountain that said from dad. Thanks dad I pray silently.

I pulled out a Whoopie cushion that said from the Strolls. Those two always gave me a good laugh.

He pulled out a red hat that said Perssy. Thanks Clarissa. I smile know she means well and truly cares for everyone and just a has a hard time showing. I hope her and Chris are doing well.

I pulled out a book and a letter but I didn't read the letter because I knew who it was from. I put it in the book and pulled out the last three things in the box. A small tree that said from Grover. I talk to him a lot through our link. He and Jupiter are doing good.

A lightning bolt mini figure that had a note that read Sorry for this dam excuse for a gift Kelpface from a Thalia. I laughed a little at our old joke and smiled. I knew it was hard for her to know that's she was going to out live us all.

Last I pulled out a small statue that was hand design. I said it was from Annabeth and so was the book and letter from before. The statue was of all our travels put together and it was beautiful. I thanked them all and then eat cake. It was a good day. It was fun.

Percy Jackson crossed with TeenWolfWhere stories live. Discover now