Chapter 14

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Scotts pov.
As the school day went on Percy seemed to get more and more excited. Whoever this Annabeth person was she must be important to Percy. I hope we get to find out some of the secrets Percy is hiding and maybe just maybe find out what this new threat that they seem to know about is. As the day proceeds I can't help but feel anxious. I look over to see that Stiles is the same way. Maybe even more so.

Finally, after what feels like forever the last bell rings and I grab my stuff and rush out the door. I can feel that something is going to got happen. It's in the air.

Outside, I stand with Kira and Stiles. Soon other members of the pack show up and I feel the tension in the air. I watch for Percy but for about 10 minutes we don't see him. I am starting to think this is all a big prank or something.

I look over to Stiles and before I can even get my words out I hear a scream. We look at each other all at once and with out a single word we run to the scream. As we got there we seemed to walk in to a battle field.

There was a big winged monstrous looking thing flying above Percy and Annabeth. It called to them in a tense awful scratchy voice. It said, "Perseus Jackson we meet again! This time I will defeat you as my master has planned!

Percy called up to the hideous creature, "I bet you think that your personality makes up for your ugliness! Jokes on you because your ugly is inside and out and I can't wait to send you back to Tartarus."

The thing hissed and swooped down to attack again. But. Percy pulled out a sword and struck it. I don't know where he got the sword but it didn't matter because the thing turn to dust.

The pack and I stared with our mouths open. Annabeth walked to him and said, "You alway have to put on a show don't you!", but she said it smiling so they all knew she wasn't mad.

And they turned and saw us. Annabeth was the first to recover and as soon as she did she said, "We can explain!"

Percy snapped out of the gaze next and said, "But, first we better find a place were you guys can sit down, because this is going to be one long story!"

They started to walk away and we all followed like zombies. Percy turned and said, "Why don't we all meet at the vets office so Deacon can hear this too."

We all got into cars and did as they said. I don't know why we didn't question them right there and then, but I am glad we didn't because I think I would have fainted. As we pulled up. I looked over at the other pack member that I rode with they seemed to come to a sober mood knowing that something big was going down.

As we walked in no one seemed chipper. We all seemed to know that something was off. I looked over to Percy and Annabeth, they were whispering quietly to each other.

I couldn't help, but wonder what they were going to say. I when and got chairs for everyone and found Deacon.

After a look we all sat down. Percy seemed to that a deep breath before saying, "Where should I start?"

It seemed to be a rhetorical question so I didn't answer. He turned to Annabeth and she grabbed his hand. She intertwined their fingers and it seem to give him the strength to start.

He took one last deep breath and started like this, "Well, what do you know about Greek gods and goddesses?"

Stiles answered with, "Like Zeus and Aphrodite?"

He nodded. He continued with, "Well, they are all real and sometimes they come down to earth and hookup with mortals."

After we had a chance to let that sink in. Deacon asked, "So are you saying you are demigods?"

Percy once again nodded his head. Stiles then asked,"Who are your parents?"

Annabeth answered,"My mother is Athena goddesses of wisdom and battle among other things. Percy's father is Poseidon god of sea also among another things.

Percy was smiling at her now. Then, he smile fell away as if remembering a bad memory. Then, he spoke again, "Look I didn't want to be a demigod............."

After he told his story I couldn't help, but feel like ours was so small. Stiles asked a couple of questions and so did some of the others, but other than that we mostly stayed quiet. I couldn't help, but think that after being through so much it would be hard to smile, but Percy and Annabeth were stronger because of the things they had been through and I know they have memories that most people don't. It may haunt them sometimes, but it has brought them and others together.

I guess when you family is as crazy as theirs then it really helps to make your own little family that understands the craziness. That's what we did in a sense. I look at my pack and couldn't help, but think that hardships bring the best people together.

Before we could say anything else he said," And FYI there are Greek Romans, Egyptian, and Noris gods and goddesses as well or as far as we know at least! Maybe even more!"

Percy turned and kissed Annabeth on the nose before turning to us and asking, "Who's hungry I could go for some dam food?"

He laughed at end and Annabeth asked, "Where did that stupid joke come from anyway?"

He looked at her and answered, "Zoe, Thalia, Grover, and I came up with it from Zoe's lack of humor at the Hoover Dam on our way to save you and Artemis."

She looked confused still, but if it helped any so were we. He looked at us one more time before saying, "I'm hungry!"

I laughed sometimes he acted like a little kid and other times he was so serious it was scary, but well that's life.

After, we picked up the chairs and put them away. We head out to get food, before Percy could complain more. And to be honest I was a little hunger too.

After eating and doing other stuff we all went home and went to bed. I looked at my ceiling. I thought about what all Percy had been through and everything. I feel for him and for anyone that had to live that life, but you have to play with the hand you have been dealt.

Okay I am back I promise!!!! Sorry for that update yesterday one of my close friends had to come kick my butt, but it got me motivated to write more. Thanks for hanging with me!!
Cj out

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