Chapter 21

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Scott's pov.
We sat in the small diner and rested for a minute. Lucky Derek managed to still have his wallet and we all got some food. Percy ate his so fast at first I wasn't sure he actually had any to begin with! Anyway, I was voted to go up and asked the lady behind that cash register if they had a phone. I made my way up there and the lady looked beyond bored and that may be a bad thing because bored people are sometimes the most unhelpful.

I walked up to her and put on my best smile. "Hi, do you have a phone I can use?"

She looked up at me unimpressed and said in a tone that proved my theory that she was bored, "Why?"

Thinking fast I came up with an idea. I then said, "My friends and I were going on a camping trip and our car broke down. I was hoping that we could borrow your phone to call a tow truck to come and get it and some of our other friends to come pick us up."

She continued to look unimpressed and said in the same bored tone but this time with a little move edge implying that she was getting annoyed, "Why don't you use your own cell phones?"

I nodded my head and said sheepishly and as shyly as I could, "Well, I left mine in the car and Derek's is dead. And other buddy Percy completely left his at home." I threw my hands up in the air at the end trying to show that my nerves were fried.

She looked at me with a facial expression that in it's self said, I think your full of crap or it could have said, wow I could care less. I wasn't 100 percent sure to be honest. She then turned her head and looked thoughtful for a moment. She then nodded to herself and said, "I will go talk to the owner and see what he says."

I smiled and said in the happiest tone I could muster, "Thank you so much!"

She smiled a bare thread smile and walked to the back room that said 'Owner'.

When she was finally out of ear shot I let out a huge breath that I didn't know I had been holding. I, then, sat down in one of the chairs by the cash register. I then turned back to the guys and gave them a shaky thumbs up and a weak smile. To be honest I was exhausted and my fingers ached from were they had been broken. Percy and Derek before we walked in set them back in place but that didn't mean they still didn't hurt like hell.

I waited a couple of minutes and finally the lady reappeared and with a stiff walk she came over to me and gave me a very stiff smile. She then said, "He said you could use the phone but for only one call."

I smiled and said in a graceful tone, "Thank you so much!"

I then turned and smiled a full smile to the guys. I also gave them a firm thumbs up. The stiff unhappy lady then lead me to the phone. Once there she gave me a tiny real smile and said, "I wish you the best of luck."

After she had walked away, I picked up the phone and called Stiles. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hi" I said in greeting.

He then responded after a full to seconds of silence "Hey, Scott you made it out! Holy crap why didn't you call sooner. We're are you at? Bro are you okay is Derek okay? Is Percy? Annabeth wants to know. Did our plan work?"

Before he could continue I said, "Hey, hold up here a second okay. (Can't put lol) we will tell you everything when you get here okay?" And we are [insert address here]. Oh, and we are all fine for the most part."

He then said with a smile I could hear clearly in his voice, "Sure be there in ten!"

I sighed and said, "Okay, see you then. Bye."

He hummed an okay and said, "Bye."

I then heard the line cut off. I put the phone back and waved at the lady behind the cash register. Her name tag read 'Jane' I noticed. I then head to the booth we had been sat at. I nodded to Percy and Derek and said "Our ride is on the way."

The both smiled and Percy rubbed his knees. They still seemed to hurt him, but not once did he complain. He looked out the window still rubbing his knees and with a grim smile. He had said earlier that he wanted to keep an eye on the woods line and make sure that no one was going to find us.

He turned to us with a sad grin and said, "I believe he was a son of Ares."

"Who is that" Derek asked with an thoughtful look.

Percy smiled but it wasn't a happy smile. Then he said, "He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera. He is violent and the untamed aspect of war, in contrast to his sister the Athena, who actually hates me less lately, she is the goddess of intelligence include military strategy and generalship. Ares really really hates me. To put it simply, his children are fierce warriors and can make great allies or painful enemies. They are brave and can be seen as fearless, but don't count them out because they may not be the smartest bunch they are still clever when it comes down to it."

I looked up at him and asked, "How do you know Ares so well and how do you know his children so well too?"

He said with the same grim smile, "I fought him when I was 12. I won too, but only because of the Fates they seemed to scare him away. And his children have been my friends and my enemies. Sometimes both at the same time."

He laughed a little at the last comment, then said thoughtfully, "Never have fought a werewolf child of Ares tho."

I shook my head and smiled when I heard in familiar beep. I then said, "Sounds like our ride is here."

Derek got up and payed the bill and Percy finished his Coke. We then all got up and walked out. I jumped in the front and Derek and Percy jumped in the back. Stiles smiled and started to drive. I told him to take us to Deacon. He smiled and said, "On it."
Wow 16k thank you guys so much!!
Love you guys
~Cj out.

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