Chapter 13

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Percy pov

I have gotten to know the pack more, but there is a feeling in my gut that something big is going to happen and I am thinking I am not going to like it one bit. They came clean to me today on what they are and what they have went through. Maybe I should give up some of my secrets too?

No, I shake my head, I can't do that I have to protect them from my type of crazy as long as I can. I look up to the board and all the letters blur together. Gods, I hate Dyslexia so much. I try to focus on with the teacher saying, but just can't keep my thoughts from wandering.

As I just give up and zone out for the rest of class, I thought about how just a few years ago things seemed so simple even when we when and visit Hades it's now just a trip to see my uncle, not something as hard as we thought it was going to be, heck it's probable one of the simplest things now.

I miss the good old days when I could just live at camp and not everyone knew my name, were I was unimportant. I believe they have me worked up to be more than I am, but as people have said before; everyone needs a hero.

Next, I start wondering what's for lunch, but before I could complete my thoughts a hand slapped down on my desk. "Mr. Jackson, would you like to share your thoughts with the class! Because it seems to me that you must be having some pretty important ones!" The teacher said with venom in his voice.

I guess I am just a seaweed brain, because I answered with; "I was thinking that everyone need a hero and after that what's for lunch and I have to say I am now thinking that having ADHD sucks and that I should shut up now."

I guess I confused him, because he just stood there and stared at me. I heard a few snickers and laughs covered by a fake cough.

He turned to me again and said "Next, time pay attention to my lesson." Before he walked back to the board a little dazed like. He just started up talking again, but with less of a voice.

My next few class flew by with out much excitement. At lunch the slut had to talk to me again, but something awesome happened; Annabeth walked in.

I smile a huge smile and almost jumped up. Startling everyone at the table. Scott looked at me and asked, "What's going on Perc?"

I didn't answer him I just continued to my Wisegirl. When I was almost there someone tripped me like always. And the whole cafeteria stopped making noise everyone just stared after she helping me up and grabbing my hand we walking to the lunch table. After we got the the table everyone in the cafeteria started  talking again.

I sigh and asked, "What brings you here, Wisegirl?"

She smiled for a minute, before answering; "Something big going to happen Seaweed Brain."

I nod, and asked, "Is there a new prophecy?"

She shook her head no. I as glad she was here, but also a little scared. Because if Annabeth is here than I know something huge is about to happen. She looked at me with a knowing look in her eyes.

I turned to the pack and said, "This is Annabeth, hands off."

She laughed a little and said, "I think I can handle myself, Seaweed Brain."

"I know, but" I didn't get to finish before Scott asked, "So, what brings you and here? And my name's, Scott."

She answered with, "To help, because as I said before something bigs going to happen."

He looked shocked, but soon recovered and said, "Okay" and then went and introduce the rest of the pack members to Annabeth.

I sat there and looked on happily, but I forgot about Lydia. She asked with a sneer, "And what makes you so important?"

Annabeth looked at me and then her, she had an evil look in her eyes now. She answered the girl with; "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Lydia responded with, "Well, yes I would!"

Annabeth turned to her and whisper something her ear. The girl turned red and got up and left. I turned her her and asked, "What did you do now?"

She looked at me as innocently as she could manage and said, "Nothing"

I gave her a look and then we both turned to the pack to talk. After lunch she got up and said she would meet me and the pack after school. One of the boys at my table whistled as she walked looking at her butt. I looked at then with a dark look and they stopped. I could hear Annabeth laughing as she walked out.

Man, it was good to have her back!

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