Chaper 11

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Percy pov
Today at lunch we are having a pack meeting, and I was distracted. I kept looking back behind me I felt like something was coming. Lydia seems to think I am hiding something. Stiles just seems not to care and is proud that he got his way.

I got up and walk to the principle who was walking to us with a goth like kid who seemed to hate the world. It was Nico! As they got closer the lights got darker. I started laughing and said, "How are you doing Neeks?"

"Good, you kelp face?" He answered with a ghostly smile on his face.

"Good good come sit" I answered. He came and sat down quietly glaring at Scott and the pack.

After he had stopped his glaring I asked "Why, you here?"

"One of my sisters came for a visit."



"Bianca?" I asked cautiously.

"No, another one Abbey" he answered.

I was about to ask why he need my help when a girl with black hair and dark eyes bounced over to Stiles, but before she could get over she fell to the floor. She popped back up and ran over. Nico looked a me and mouthed "That's her"

I looked at my new friends and smiled "Sorry for being so rude this is Nico, guys" and they turned to Nico and said all their names while pointing to each one.

After lunch was over and me and Nico talk quietly about our plan to get his sister who was actually a ghost back to the underworld and safely away from the new times.

She was from around the same time period as Nico, but died. She had a strange power were she could see anywhere in the world so that's how she kept up with the times I guess.

Time skip to after school

We have the plan that we will just ask her to go back to the underworld. Much to Nico dismay. He wanted to question her on her powers and keep her alive out in the real world. As we watched her from a far we noticed that her spirit was fading and she was grow paler and more transparent. I don't know how Stiles did notice. She was closest to him and I am afraid that she will not want to lose him.

We were able to track her down and she was sitting on a strange tree. It was huge and round. Also it had strange cravings in it. I got a weird feeling in my gut. I looked to Nico he had the same look on his face, he felt it too.

We walked to her and I said, "Hi, Abbey what are you doing here?"

She looked up with tears in her eyes "I want to go home" she answers.

Nico looked at her with soft eyes and said, "I can bring you home, but first I have to tell you a story, okay?"

She nodded. And Nico started the story "Well, the Greek gods and goddesses sometimes come down to Earth and hook up with mortals......."

After he was done she looked shocked. After she seemed to collect her thoughts she asked, "Who's my parent and who's your parents?"

Nico looked uncomfortable with her question so I answered for him, "Your parent is Hades and so is Nico's. Mine is Poseidon."

She nodded before asking Nico, "So, we are brother and sister?"

He nodded before saying, "As long as I'm the brother and your the sister."

I smiled and so did she. "I hate to break up this awesome time, but I am afraid that you are fading and need to go back to the underworld, but I promise that Nico will come and visit and I will try, but it may be awhile, because Uncle Hades sometimes hates me." I say sadly.

She nodded sadly, looks up with understanding eyes. Nico also looks sad, but tried to keep it hidden. There was nothing we could do. So she grabbed Nico's hand that he offered. She smiled sadly before giving me a hug and turning to Nico. They head into the shadows. Gone.

I walked home sadly. I made and lost a friend again. I wish I could visit her, but I know that may be hard. Oh, well this time I will keep me promise! I smile this time and am looking forward to the future. My steps became easier and lighter. Today was a good day.
-----------------------------------------I will do a song lyric after every chapter for different things this weeks is:
We're bored to death in heaven and down alone in hell
We only want to be ourselves
For: Pov of next chapter
Love you guys
Hope this was okay mousemouse123  if not tell me
Cj out

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