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Stiles pov.
All of a sudden there was a knock on the door then all hell broke loose. We all looked at each other, then the windows were ripped off there hinges. Greek monsters of all sorts started to grab thru said windows and Percy got put his sword. Annabeth got out her dagger (given back to her in the crossover with the Kanes). Scott and the other werewolves got put their claws and fangs. Derek shifted into his wolf and Lydia came over and wrapped her arm around me. We were handed two good sized daggers by Percy and Annabeth for 'just in case'.

I watched as everyone ran outside so the could fight the monsters head on and not ruin the vets. Lydia and I ran and got in my jump hoping for the best. We watched barely breathing as Percy began to fight the monsters. A dodge here, an uppercut there. He was everywhere at once. Him and Annabeth fought off each other constantly moving in formations that I would never thought over. They worked together seamlessly.

I watched as the weres fought other weres never holding back and never stopping. It was like a dance watching them all work together but less seamless as Percy and Annabeth. The battle seemed to last one minute when it probably last at least an hour or so. I went back to watching Percy and Annabeth; they seemed to never grow tired but if you looked closely they were moving slightly slower. I worried for my new friends and old ones too.

Suddenly, something shook the car and I screamed lightly. Lydia turned pale and shhhed me. I felt my heart rate pick up. I closed my eyes and did my best to count to 10 calm down. It wasn't worked and when I opened my eyes I saw one big red eye right outside my window. I tried to stay still hoping it wouldn't see me or hear my crazy breathing.

It's eye went big and it's large body began to fall to the ground. I looked after a sigh of relief and saw Percy waving at me with his sword. He was covered in blood and gold dust. He had a crazy grin on his face and his whole body pulsed with energy. At that moment I knew that he was built for battle and that's why the gods used him as their war toy. On the battlefield he came alive and nothing could stop him especially if Annabeth was by his side.

I looked over at Lydia and saw that she was looking slightly better than  before but still pale. Even after seeing so much death we were still not used to it and I doubt we ever will be because if we do that would have lost our humanity. If he had done that then we are as good as dead.

After the battle everyone looked tired and battle worn. We all head to Derek's place because it has the most room after clean up everyone's wounds. And some took showers.

After we got there we all ordered pizzas and Annabeth started showing me and Lydia how to use our daggers. After we all ate, we went to bed. It was just the first battle and it wouldn't be the last.

Percy Jackson crossed with TeenWolfWhere stories live. Discover now