Chapter 22 :P

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Hey, bros!!! I made a new book about People meeting Demigods so if you want to check it out it's there!!! Anyway thank you we hit 20k today and I'm crying!!! So thank you guys so much your all amazing balls!
Love you guys,
Cj out

Derek's pov.

We all sat waiting for everyone to get to the vets. It was kinda fun that we werewolves hang out at a vets, but what can you do when your vet is also the Druid Emissary?

Anyway I was sitting in one of the chairs and Scott was sitting across from me. Percy was pacing the room.

"Why don't you sit down Percy?" asked Deaton.

He shook his head and kept pacing. "No, can do."

Deaton gently grabbed his arm and said, "Let me look at your knees please."

Percy looked like he was about to say no, but in walked the blond beauty that was Percy's girlfriend. She shook her finger at him and said, "Your always getting into trouble aren't you?"

He smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist gently then as she kept talking he pecked her lips gently to get her to stop.

She looked at him and shook her head and gently pulled him to the examination bench. He hopped up on it and she sat beside him.

Deacon walked over and looked at his knees commenting a few times. After a few minutes Stiles and the other pack members walked in with Chinese food boxes. Percy grabbed a few and started to wolf them down. Everyone else ate at a fast pace but not as fast as he was eating. Annabeth gently smacked his arm and he slowed down slightly.

After we were all done eating we all got our fortune cookies and looked at each other, then all at once we broken them. I read mine first it said, "You are nothing, but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled as dangerous"

Scott's read "True is the heart of the broken man."

Stiles read, "Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point."

Everyone's else's didn't say much until we got to Percy and Annabeth. Percy's read, "Good timber doesn't grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the tree."

And lastly Annabeth's read, "It's amazing how much good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit"

After we had all read our cookies Percy, Scott, and I started to tell the other what had happened and the things that had lead us to were we now. After we were done Percy was running his knees seemly unaware and Annabeth was leaning on him with a look of thinking on her face.

As I looked over at Scott, he was talking softly to Kira and Deacon. Deacon was checking his fingers gently. For a moment everything was calm and one thought came to my mind as I thought this.... This was the calm before the storm...

For a few moment I sat speak less at my last thought. Then I said in the calmest voice I could manage, "Guys we need to get ready a battle is coming soon."

I saw a look past over the faces of the Demigods and I could tell that they were used to fighting. Annabeth got up and opened her book back and started to plan out so thing Percy leaned over her shoulder poking and whispering helpful little things to her.

Scott's face got a hard look to it and he nodded. He turned to the other and asked, "How's willing to fight?"

Everyone raised their hands and nodded to him. He let out a tiny smile and started to give out small orders to get medical supplies and other things that we may need.

Everyone jumped to work and started to get everything ready. I smiled and got up to help. I heard one last thing mumble out of Scott's lips, "Let the battles begin!"

Everyone froze for a moment smiled, giggled, or shook their heads before jumping back into work.

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